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RE: Will We Ever Be Smart Enough To Understand Reality?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

We co-create reality. Here are some laws of creation that may assist your awareness:

  1. You exist. Can't do much about that (better get used to it!)
  2. The all are the one, the one is the all. Every being is a reflection of 'the one' and also IS 'the one' expressing itself as an individuated entity.
  3. What you put out is what you get back. If you believe that something is true for you, then you will experience a reflection of that belief in physical reality - so it is very important to be aware of every thought, belief and resulting emotion that is within us if we are to know the truth.
  4. Everything changes, except for the first 3 laws.

My advice is not to get caught up in the trap of agreeing that 'we know this' and 'we don't know that' - which 'scientists' like to propagate as if they alone are the pinnacle of human consciousness and if 'they' don't know something then no-one does ;)


HEY @ura-soul ! GREAT comment! Love to hear other peoples reflections and how they put it into words. I'm very grateful for your time and adding value to my text :)) I totally agree with you. We live in our own subjective world, and all we need to do is to create our own meaning. Don't take life too seriously and just enjoy and find importance in what is around is. Simply being alive is a gift, so bring gifts to others by showing love and gratitude and not get too lost in your own head, like many people sadly get. Thank you :) All the best! Hope to hear more from you! :D Follow you <3