I just returned to Cornwall, where my ancestors (on my maternal side) come from. They came to Australia a couple hundred years ago or so. Anyway, it was such a rewarding experience. I've traced my family tree back to the mid 1400's and visited some of the places they lived and died. Was humbling. Old stuff is more interesting to me than the new. Nice image in your post mate.
Thanks for sharing. Keep it coming!
Sounds like an amazing trip. I love exploring historical stuff too. Thanks for the support.
It was...And will be again when I return...Those Cornish pasties... :)
You're welcome. I enjoy your posts. My vote isn't worth much unfortunately so I cannot reward you commensurate to the reward I receive from reading your work. Sorry.
A comment is worth more than any vote. The main reason to share here for me is to engage with the community and get feedback. The votes are just a bonus.