Glad to hear you're going to try and be more active in the coming weeks @irreverent-dan. There has been a real dearth of content and commenting lately which makes it even harder to keep going. 😢
I love that the artist gets a cut of the profits from that beer and that it has different labels. Very nice!
Have a fun evening! 😊
Hey Gillian, saying that I will be active and being active are two different things :) Knowing myself, there's a good chance that I won't be that active :P Haha
Thanks for your comment and have a lovely Sunday! 😉
And now Steem is tanking even more I think it's going to get even quieter around here. 😢Yep. I know that one @irreverent-dan.
It stabilized a bit :) Fingers crossed.
Well bitcoin just dropped below 6K. I was trying to buy some but it went down so fast I couldn't type fast enough! 😂
Feeling a bit fed up with posting at the moment so was distracting myself and got a bit gung ho! 😂