Yet another spectacular shot, @intrepidphotos! Equally spectacular is the history and geography you've shared! Not only did this Albertan not know of these falls in the neighboring province of B.C., I certainly did not know that there is any water phenomenon "out West" that can rival Niagara Falls "out East"!
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Well Niagara falls is really a volume phenomenon as its very high volume (at least when the hydro is not bypassing it ! ) . There are a lot of falls out west which are much higher than Niagara. Kinuseo Falls is another massive but little known falls worth having a look at.
I had no idea! Thank you for the info on Kinuseo Falls! I will keep watching for and enjoying your photos and blogs!
I will put some pics up of Kinuseo in the future .
I am new here! I don't know how you can let me know when you do post. Do you know? Would hate to miss it!
Other than following my feed thats all you can do; unless I remember to go back and tell you ;-)
Well, I have been following you, thus the reason for seeing so many of your captivating shots! So chances are I won't miss it!