
That's what I wanted to know, I would be interested to see the original, if you don't mind to post it in the comments, I think it looks even prettier in color haha

LOL! I didn't think it was prettier or I would have posted that one, but I'll check it out again tomorrow when I'm at 'the big computer' with all the photo archives again ;-)

Awesome haha. I don't know, it was like the first thing that came to mind when I saw this picture, I was like I wonder what the original looks like haha

Here is a quick JPG from the RAW file :D Lol, if I look at it again it's pretty nice as well actually :') What do you think?


To be honest with you, I like this better than b&w :) the bokeh is so pretty and the sky looks mysterious! I guess I just don't really like monochrome a lot, unless it's a portrait, maybe haha.

:') I understand what you see. If I kept it in colour I would maybe add a bit of blue in the shadows to make it more interesting. I really love monochromes, especially when shapes and light/shadow are the most important thing in the shot :D So we have different taste in that. I appreciate opinions though and actually the original was better looking than I remembered, so you made me see that <3