Boom shaka laka laka whats Krakamalakafyin?
Here's what you missed today on
#1 with 3491 Upvotes Titled:
"Got myself a chalkboard leg and went on a trip"
"I bet you enjoyed each leg of your journey! Seriously though, great pics."
by Reddit User @devgal
Top Comment by [–] @atodaso 497 points 2 hours ago
#2 with 9294 Upvotes Titled:
"Jeep in a Box"
Top Comment by [–]BigODetroit 770 points 5 hours ago*
"There are so many scams involving this that go back to post WWII. Jeeps were sent Europe in crates like this. After the war there were surplus Jeeps available, but the demand was huge. A lot of the soldiers returning home wanted one. This gave birth to the CJ2.
You would find ads on the back of Popular Mechanics or a local newspaper advertising crate Jeeps for $50. They were surplus and all you had to do was assemble it using common household tools, but it was all fake. You'd go down to the local port or a warehouse where these crate Jeeps were being advertised. The would be a plant in the crowd who would yell out, "but how do we know there's a Jeep in there?" To which the seller would tell the guy to pick out any crate and it'll be opened. Lo and behold, the crate would be opened and this beautiful new Jeep would be inside.
So all the people there would plunk down $50. These sales we're usually held on Sundays when the warehouses and the docks would be closed. The buyers were told to come back tomorrow and the stevedores would load it up for you. Monday came around and the crates would be loaded up. When opened, the crate usually contained a couple of boulders. I'm really into old classic Jeeps and have a CJ5 of my own. It's not uncommon for classic Jeep message boards to get a post every so often about WWII crate jeeps. Somebody posts about a newly rediscovered a stock of surplus Jeeps at a warehouse in Arizona. I've seen prices as low as $50 and some as high as $500. Even still, $500 for a NOS Willys is a hell of a deal. Too good to be true, and it really is.
Today, there is something similar involving Humvees. The best place to get one is planetgov. Most start at $5k, but these have the 6.2 litre diesel that has an engine block prone to cracks and failure."
by Reddit User @Proteon
#3 with 27,500+ Upvotes (and this one brought me to tears) Titled:
"Men who signed the Declaration of Independence / Their descendants 241 years later"
(Disclaimer: Not EXACT descendents and its an ad and they dont match the exact person but they are alll descendants of founding fathers!)
Top Comment by [–] @EZ_does_it 5888 points 5 hours ago*
When I did research I felt kind of bamboozled. The people in the picture are not the direct descendants of the person they're replacing in the picture painting. For example there are several descendants of Jefferson in the photo and well as several Livingstons. It's also an ad for But despite all of this it's still very interesting. Here's an article about the ad.
"When you see the new picture, the new image, it's a picture of diverse people. Black, white, Hispanic, Native American -- a little bit of everything -- Asian, and that's more of a representation of this country," said Shannon Lanier, the sixth great-grandson of President Thomas Jefferson.
Andrea Livingston is half Filipino. She recently learned she's the eighth great granddaughter of Philip Livingston.
"It is a point of pride, but I think we have a long way to go. The ideas that they were creating, the ideas that they were putting into words, we still need to strive to make those ideas real," Livingston said.
By reddit User @uconvinceme
#4 with 3156 Upvotes Titled:
"Powell County, Kentucky"
"Photoshop County, Kentucky"
by Reddit User @crumbbelly
Top Comment by [–] @CheapBastid 283 points 5 hours ago
#5 with 30,100+ Upvotes Titled:
"There is nothing more American than giving responsibility to someone who probably isn't qualified."
"The kid with the sparkler or the dad with the blowtorch in the background?"
by Reddit User @GallowBoob
Top Comment by [–] @prncpl_vgna_no_rlatn 4392 points 10 hours ago
#6 with 6957 Upvotes Titled:
"An amazing drawing by Cambodian artist Visoth Kakvei"
"This was posted about a week ago, and it was agreed that the artist uses photoshop and other computer tools to get the effect. So, still cool, but they didn't exactly do this with just pen and paper."
by Reddit user @DrydenDon
Top Comment by [–] @thearmadillo 257 points 11 hours ago
Skipping to #9 because its a Venezuelan protest, with 1121 Upvotes Titled:
"I was born and raised in Maracaibo, Venezuela. This is my hometown fighting against dictatorship government of Nicolas Maduro because they are tired of the repression."
"I still find it insane that people over there are still protesting, and haven't given up yet.
Stay strong"
By Reddit User @IamTheBaconQueen
Top Comment by [–] @ghillisuit95 91 points 5 hours ago
Stay strong venezuela! We should alll go upvote all the posts there and help all the new venezuelans on steemit! Steem will be their new national currency! See how reddit doesn't help anyone but actually makes MONEY OFF the misery of venezuelans WITHOUT sharing any of the ad revenue generates While with Steemit this person could have been from venezuela and actually post this image and get rewarded with steem that they could use to feed themselves! STeemit is the real answer and we can't fuk around with shit like Reddit and their systemof theft of user submitted content without sharing ANY of the revenue! Steemit can create REAL solutions to the worlds problems while reddit simply greedily takes all the money they make from their users content and doesnt share 1 dime with them!
I didn't mean to have such a serious political anti socialism message at the end here but Socialism and the leftist cultural marxists (who also live on reddit) who promote welfare and state run bullshit are what leads to food shrotages in Venezuela...These people think Bernie Sander's massive government work programs with fifteen dollar an hour jobs is better than free market and actual high paying job....they REFUSE to see Venezuela as the RESULT of their own policies! they REFUSE to accept the fundamental flaw of people on the left who honestly believe in socialism and that noone deserves to make over $100,000 a year...crazy people who want to destroy any incentive to build a business, who don't understand that a billionaire like Trump or Bezos or Elon Musk CREATED the wealth they have now! trmp built buildings and created spaces to rent out that didnt exist before! Jeff Bezos built a 400 billion dollar company and created a trillion dollar online market that didnt even exist before! Factories like Tesla Motors and SpaceX CREATE BILLIONS of dollars worth of electric luxury cars and rocket motors and spaceships! Those cars and rockets didnt exist before Tesla built them! Elon Musk didnt STEAL those billions he made...he didnt screw anyone over....Billionaires CREATE wealth! they dont STEAL it from others! Sure some are bankers who do steal and use derivatives or straight up print money and use inflation as a secret tax on everyone...but those are the ones pushing centralized communist/socialist contrl systems to begin with!
To address this simple point bout WHY "socialism" or ANy sort is pure evil, good intentions or not, @policyed on Youtube made an amazing Animation called "It's a Wonderful Loaf" EXACTLY aboutthe problems Venezuela faces and how you CANT set prices and run bakeries froom a central planing committee, you have to let the free market just happen and the more you try to run peoples lives the worse their lives become! I really don't care if your "intentions" are to help people, because you end up KILLING MILLIONS and you MUST accept that socialism just leads to venezuela style chaos and I'm not going to let people risk bringing that shit into ANY more countries! I try to not be political on steemit but people are DYING and crypto currency is the answer! We should also be flying drones into venezuela full of food, using the same drone submarines drug dealers use to go from south america north we can send stuff from the north down to venezuela! We can use technology to send food to venezuela and allow venezuelans to pay us via bitcoin and steem to fly ddrones and deliver food!
If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....
Follow @Ackza

You write very well.. awesome
Thank you! I will go upvote a post of yours now!

I just upvoted ur post about whatto write on steemit
very nice post! u exlained how we have "writers block"
u should find some SUbreddits to copya nd repost top posts of! u can do /r/Videos !
see how much content there is for us to report but in compilations like we can reppost the days top 10 videos on reddit Videos and that way we can allow all steemit usersto CATCH UP on what they mise on steemiT!
ook watch for my new post in video section of steemit! i will be doing this soon! u should try doing it with oneof the other top reddit subreddits!
thank you so much for your appreciation and kind word, upvoting me.
okey i surely check your new post in video section of steemit!
Apprecited Your Work ..... You Always produce quality contentNice post @ackza
I would like to request you please keep posting this type of valueable content for the community of steemit as this platform is growing up day by day .. I would request you that you must support new steemer like me and other .
I am in love with one of my post as a senior steemer I need your Honest feedback regadding that . If you get time from your busy life and write your comment upon it . It will be really apprecited ..
If I missed I do Apoligize for that ...
Oh yeah! check THIS out i will be doing a /r/Videos post too!
see the top vieos on this page? i will make a post soon showing toop videeos of the day everyay so we can never miss out oon all the stuff popel see on reddit everyday!
Sure...i"m keep it touch
Another quality post by @ackza
hell yeah man!

hhahah hey lets start a new game of chess so ppeopel can see how it works!
ahha oh well i already started moving for u, to get the ball rolling (for anyondering u can jst cop the image of the baord, paste it into MSPaint, and just select the piece with teh square highlighting tool and move the piece wherever! and say in text which piece u moved to which grid, cuz eventually we will have a program readng the comments and analyzing the moves to decide who wite money as we will botth send money to a Bot accoount to get a game started and the bot will just watch teh game and anayze who makes the first wining move and automaticaly send them the SBD u both put mooney in the pot!
also we can do this with blackjack!
White Pawn e2->e3
black rook from B8 to A6
your turn!
(hahaha for anyone watching,, jus know that me and @tylersr invented steemit chess! )
White Pawn h2->h4
black rook H8 to H6

did u know that when Pizaro conqeuerd the Inca he had the inca king play him a game of chess and inca king already knew the game! How could they BOOTH know chesss How OLD is chess>
"The history of chess can be traced back nearly 1500 years, although the earliest origins are uncertain. The earliest predecessor of the game probably originated in India, before the 6th century AD; a minority of historians believe the game originated in China. From India, the game spread to Persia."
maybe we should play chess 4 !!!
we can do FOUR player chess!!!!!
Wht Knt g1->e2
Good stuff! Agree with you entirely. Let the people be truly free to pursue their goals without having to carry the bureaucracy on their backs. Upvoted 100%.
Get rid of the socialist pigs amen!
They will have no support when there are no more poor people in thee world! Once everyone is in the middle class only the very mentally ill and entitled people will be asking for handouts and wealth redistribution haha tthey have a problem with ALL of civilization! they think we should all go back to living in mud huts OH WAIt no thats too much technology for them! they honestly want to abolish all symbolic thought.....they believe all of language is evil and capitalism is their word to describe the entire free market...they seem to have NO problem condensing THOUSANDS of years of human history and labor and pasion into just one fucking label "capitalism" as if that makes it if China and India didnt bring 2 billion human beings out of misery and poverty into the modern world with dreams nd hopes and jesus christ its jst so sad...people with real compassion are the ones who create Jobs for humanity.....
@dan and @jesta and @cryptoctopus and @thejohalfiles and all the whales and developers and early investors into this platform are on par withthe FOunding Fathers of the United States and the SIgners of the decelarion of Indepnedence! I knoww we have had a Deceleration of independence of cyber space since the 90s but has fulfillied this ream of a fully decentralized internet! steemit net can be a reality! We can also bbe using TOR and other tools to connect to steemit through! steem blockchain should br run on eevery toaster and microwave we can get our hands on! witness nodes everywhre! i want snapshots of the entire bockchain every week or month so incase anythig ever happened we could resurect the entire system redistribute all the steem based on what everyone had before a possible catapshooy...
well i guess we dont have to worry about that....But I just feel like we can REALLY develop steemit if we all contribute to a new Developer Fund where we can seek out EXPERIENCED Programmers and web dveelopers who can learn Graphene and grasp the bigger picture of Bitshares and EOS and they will ned to be paid alot of money but we shoul convince them that steemit will pay them!
OR we just pay them a paycheck and we make money of their work bby posting it ourselves! i think thats fair, i rather the developers naturally work for steemBUT i cant expect a developer to work without a STEADY paycheck
so lets donate to a pool and pay for a TOP developer maybe like in India or Philippines who can be paid like $40,000 which would be equivalent if like $200,000 n the US and lets get a developer to do upgrades to steemit or create upgardes for or for chainBB i want all sorts of upgrades and bells and whistles for steemit! i want a ebay style marketplaces , i want a CRM and i want a CMS (content management system) and i want new ways to chat in real time with steemit users, i want an option to send a message for a micropayment! I think you can already send 0.001 Steem as the smallest amount and u can use it as a message system when u add the message as a emo! ucan FORCE someone to see ur message that way! ppeopel pay attenton when u send em money! an micrppayments ad up!
anyway i have big plans and i want to raise money to pay developers to increase the amount of features on steemit like stack exge style answering of support tickets from ANy website ! We could allow customer support to be a freemarket ! wwhere anyone can answer support tickets and get paid for it! the company just buys steempower and upvotes the best answers and peopel who seem to have a knack for their products!
"See how reddit doesn't help anyone but actually makes MONEY OFF the misery of venezuelans" wow, never thought of it that way. That's really fucked up.