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RE: Part 4 of a New Ackza Series called "What You Missed on Reddit Today!" edition for Wednesday July 5th 2017 Edition (includes Venezuela Protest Photos! BTC & steem is the answer to Venezuelan Socialism hell)

in #photography8 years ago

Thank you! I will go upvote a post of yours now!
I just upvoted ur post about whatto write on steemit

very nice post! u exlained how we have "writers block"
u should find some SUbreddits to copya nd repost top posts of! u can do /r/Videos !

see how much content there is for us to report but in compilations like we can reppost the days top 10 videos on reddit Videos and that way we can allow all steemit usersto CATCH UP on what they mise on steemiT!
ook watch for my new post in video section of steemit! i will be doing this soon! u should try doing it with oneof the other top reddit subreddits!


thank you so much for your appreciation and kind word, upvoting me.
okey i surely check your new post in video section of steemit!