Hitting the pavement - Street Life #4

in #photography7 years ago

In this episode of street life I would like to share some more photos I took this month in the beautiful Belgrade.

I've been playing around in Lightroom a lot, experimenting and finding my preferred way of editing. Right now I like to do them little more contrasty and make subjects stand out. Some of them looked better black and white so I went with it.

Let me know in the comments which ones you like or if you have any suggestions.

No, we don't have elephants roaming the streets, this one's from the Zoo, but I usually don't like sharing those

Old fellas playing in the main street

I really like how this one turned out

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The elephant one ( of course! 😍) and the one with the benches on the pathway. I love the lines there ... I recognize the "archway" one from a previous shoot. It looks great with people in it and in B & w.
My husband voted for the elephant one as well, and the second one - the man drawing the ladies :)
They are all beautiful @alcibiades!

Thank you to both of you! You finally agreed on one. :D I am glad you enjoyed them as usual. :)

My favorite is the 2nd one because it looks like the dog is hanging from the woman's hand but he's jumping up for a treat or something. Your photos are always amazing and each tell rich stories. It's hard to choose because there are so many.

Why did you choose that one for your favorite?

Thank you! I liked the light and shadows on the one I mentioned, got lucky with those two entering the scene. :)
Great choice btw, that little doggy was crazy. Here's another one from another angle.

Okay, I can see that .... it's funny how we get used to seeing things through a camera right? Always analyzing what we see as a potential photo op. The picture you are referring to is very full of interesting things - two tunnels, a couple, the woman gazing out to somewhere and all the shadows like you said and the green, the wooden boardwalk and stone work....makes it feel damp and cool and full of echoes.

thanks for sharing that crazy little dog....he looks vicious!!

Even pigeons on the right. :D But that was not the photo I was referring to - it's the one above, with the man and his dog coming from the light. But now that you are describing one with the couple and woman it makes me appreciate it much more. :)

Darn! I missed the pigeons....see? It's a full story that one. But I missed the black and white one for some reason....it's fabulous. Simple and clear and pleasant - neutral emotions for me, but I like it the same. Maybe it's supposed to be neutral. It just is.

My favorite is the photo of the elephant and the black and white photo of people sitting on steps around what looks like a statue. Great work!

Indeed, it's a statue on the main square. Nice choice. :) Thanks for the comment!

None of your photos came through. Sorry for me. 🐓🐓

Looking at the pictures i saw children playing one another. I'm a little jealous because when i was young, i did not have time to play with the kids because my mom was so trick. If i have children someday, i am going to give time to play. Thank you so much for all your inspiring pictures.Dear @alcidiades it is nice to see all your pictures. I love the photo the women and the elephant. I see that animals is also friendly to human; if we care to them and love them as they are. I have not seen Elephant here in Philippines, how i wish i could see it someday.

Sincerely yours

Philippines @sorenkierkegaard

wow they are all beautiful and asking to choose one out of all is really confusing, art at is finest. Thanks for uploading once again

Welp, a late reply here... I gotta make sure to pay more attention to everyone I'm following. I like this contrast effect you are trying to achieve and it isn't too noticeable, and allows the colors to pop. I feel like the second to 4th (from the last photo) is a little bit too much.

But the photo 5th from the last, with the teal roof building came out really nice.

Man with a dog!

Glad you like!