It certainly was, but I would've been happier if there had been more birds to shoot.
There was a queue at the local hospitals and health clinics, so it was faster to reserve the time a little bit further away.
Took the Pfizer shot, AZ wasn't even a choice. The other one I could've chosen was Moderna. Yes, well Pfizer seems to need a booster shot in 90 days.
Now it just seems, that the current vaccines don't cover the Delta variant very well, so we'll have to wait and see what happens, and whether there is a need to go for some extra vaccines.
I'm still waiting for the Finnish nose spray vaccine to come available. It's supposed to be designed by using Open Source principles, so maybe it can be cheaply re-produced in other countries too with no fear from patent trolls.
I think the spraying stuff is more convenient!
It’s better not to take tbd second shot of mRNA as it would probably be too many outside mRNA inside the body. Wait and see the long term effect; there would be more improved versions in the near future, from what I could gather from the internet. The market is highly competitive with over a hundred variations on pipe lines!