Shadow Photo Contest - In the morning light

in #photography5 years ago


We are used to seeing shadows. A lot of shadows. In life, we don’t notice them. Even if it’s the shadow of a house, tree, animal, our shadow. Sometimes in the heat we look for shade, but in order to get coolness and relaxation. And only a few crazy people seek and find shadows from small creatures. These creatures are insects. Who is interested in a fly or its shadow. Until she sat on our food.

Мы привыкли видеть тени. Много теней. В жизни мы их не замечаем.Даже если это тень дома, дерева, животного, наша тень. Иногда в жару мы ищем тень, но для того, чтобы получить прохладу и отдых. И лишь немногие безумные люди ищут и находят тени от маленьких существ. Эти существа - насекомые. Кого интересует муха или её тень. До тех пор пока она не села на нашу еду.



Spiders. They know what our broom is. But they continue to work. By the way, they catch flies. Do not rush to whisk cobwebs.

Пауки. Они знают, что такое наш веник. Но продолжают трудится. Между прочим, они ловят мух. Не спешите смахивать паутину.



There are creatures that we simply don’t see. They are subtle, elegant and shy. They do not go to your table for food. They generally do not climb anywhere. Sometimes they look like elves. But the elves cast a shadow.

Есть существа, которых мы просто не видим. Они тонки, изящны и застенчивы. Они не лезут на ваш стол за едой. Они вообще никуда не лезут. Иногда они похожи на эльфов. Но и эльфы отбрасывают тень.


Butterflies were more fortunate. They are often admired. They are loved for lightness, beauty and bright colors. Beauty can be discreet, calm. They are loved ... if they are not yellow and do not sit on the cabbage.
And beauty casts a shadow, but everyone looks at a butterfly

Бабочкам повезло больше. Ими часто любуются. Их любят за лёгкость, красоту и яркие краски. Красота бывает и неброской, спокойной. Их любят... если они не жёлтые и не сидят на капусте.
И красота отбрасывает тень, но все смотрят на бабочку

Sony A7М2 1,4 35 + macro

This is my entry ...
Shadow Photo Contes
Thursday is Butterfly Day and Insect Day Giveaway by @melinda010100 by @whatisnew


"Only a few crazy people seek and find shadows from small creatures." HAHAHAHA! So true!: ) Your insect shadows are fantastic, but I could only look at the spider for a quick second because I am petrified of them. My favorite is the blue-green insect and its shadow. Amazing photos, as always. Thanks for using #insectpub tag @bambuka. : )

Strange looks like an adult with a camera in his hands ... shooting something that is practically not visible.
This spider reminded me of a crab)))My pleasure @whatisnew :-)

HaHa! I know about those strange looks all too well.

But who cares about these strange looks. Maybe those who make them :-)))

These are all fantastic shadow photos! That spiders shadow makes him look huge! And I love the shot of the colorful bug... it's shadow is quite wonderful too! Thanks for entering!

The slanting rays of the low morning sun ... they know their work. Thanks for the contest @melinda010100 , I began to see more shadows :-)

Wow that metallic green lacewing looking insect is amazing. An industrial designer can use it as inspiration for a motorcycle design of sorts.

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It is necessary to inform them. Interesting idea. Thank you :-)

Mosca del tábano, 😥😜

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My translator could not translate your comment. But in any case, thanks for stopping by :-)

I know her as a tabano fly, thanks friend

Thank you, friend, now I understand your words :-))

this one is superb

but I disagree people dont notice shadows.
maybe not all of them, but sufficient
part of them -- do pay attention!

Participants in this contest notice shadows. That's for sure :-))My pleasure @qwerrie :-)

what about a.... (very unoriginal idea, yeah) : !BEER

...Б... ;-))


View or trade BEER at steem-engine.

BEER for you. Enjoy it! Hey @qwerrie, here is a bit

View or trade BEER at steem-engine.

BEER for you. Enjoy it! Hey @bambuka, here is a bit

Муха села на варенье, вот и всё стихотворение.

Posted using Partiko iOS

слава богу, только на забор))

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My pleasure :-)