
Its a difficult balance to make it look natural and not go too far with the edits. I am looking at ways to stack and align shots in gimp for less noise, but it probably wont work with panorama shots like this.

Yeah definitely , sometimes I mess around with some of my astro shots a bit , and yeah somtimes it's hard to get the balance right (of course I could probably use a bit more practice on that front :) )

But anyways , I was thinking when you mentioned stacking and aligning , I haven't tried that in GIMP but I used to use DeepSkyStacker a bit , you can get some pretty good results with that. However I'm not sure if it would work for images with a foreground , but it might. Maybe worth a look.

I have heard of it, but mostly in relation to star photos without a foreground. If I cant get the results I want in Gimp I may have to revisit that option.