Small pleasures

in #photography4 years ago


As time goes on and I get older, I think more and more about the meaning of life, what really makes me happy and fulfilled, what it is that makes me forget everything around me, what it is that will attract all my attention and focus, what is that
Today I will not talk about the meaning of life, I will leave that topic for another time. I will write about one very small thing, but that small thing gives me great pleasure personally!
You can see that in each photo there is a small insect called Hoverfly (Lat. Syrphidae) and comes from the family Syrphidae, also known as Drone fly (my favorite).
From summer until late autumn, whenever I have free time, I take my camera and accessories and go somewhere where there are flowers, flowers whose nectar and scents are at their peak. I set the camera on a tripod, adjust the settings and set the desired lens. No need to wait long until Hoverfly shows up.
They have always been attractive and interesting to me because of their ability to move fast and amazing flight maneuvers, this includes the possibility of flying in place, I guess that's where one of their names Drone fly comes from!
As I watch Hoverfly all my focus is on him, I carefully follow his movement which is very often unpredictable and fast. It takes hours and hours of squatting, kneeling or sitting on the grass in an almost motionless position to be able to take a few good photos. If you have a camera with a shutter speed of over 4000, the job will be easier for you.
Many times it has happened to me that Hoverfly lands on my arm while I hold the camera, but if you move then it will leave you very quickly, so it is best to indulge in the experience and enjoy watching the creature you admire from close range. Hoverfly are completely harmless creatures, you don't have to be afraid of any stings or bites.
I managed to combine my two great loves, which are the love of photography and insects. Every time I take a good photo, a smile appears on my face because there is joy in my heart! I attended and saw with my own eyes something amazing and worth every minute, hour or even day spent!
So far, I’ve taken a few thousand photos with Hoverfly without exaggeration, and there are dozens of really amazing ones among them, but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t keep trying to take even better photos. Fellow photographers will understand this very well, take a photo with another lens, another camera, etc. the story has no end!











18.06.2021. Thanks for visiting my photo blog
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©2021 @biti biTi

"One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"