HUAWEI P20 Pro camera: Short review and picture examples

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Recently, I bought myself a new smartphone. I bought it especially for those cases when there is no camera with me or conditions do not allow using it. For example, going for a walk with a family is sometimes inconvenient to take a large SLR camera. Or if you go with children to ride the slides. This is one of two things, either you are a photographer or you are a caring family man. Tired of the need to make a choice, I decided to provide myself with a device that fits easily in my pocket, is always with me and gives an acceptable picture quality.

I chose the HUAWEI P20 Pro, which has three cameras, developed in collaboration with Leica, with a maximum resolution of 40 megapixels, as well as a lot of smart software that promises you great shots.

I am not a big specialist, so I will not do a detailed review. I will tell you about a few points that I saw:

- in good light, the camera really makes great shots, both landscapes and portraits and macro

- in case of poor lighting, the camera can also make great shots, but at the same time some small details can be lost if you take pictures from hands

- the camera is able to perfectly simulate the blur effect when shooting portraits or some objects close up, as if the picture was taken using a SLR camera

- the camera has good opportunities to zoom (you can make a macro photo of a snowflake)

- the camera perfectly paints color photos, but sometimes it can make the same blue and snow together with a piercing blue sky

I still have not tried all the features of this camera. Did not shoot in professional mode in RAW format and did not process photos.

My current opinion is the following: this is an excellent version of a pocket camera for every day, which will allow you to capture moments of life and landscapes and take an interesting close-up shot of the object.

And now examples of images confirming the above. I did not specifically do the processing of these photos, so that you can evaluate your own camera capabilities. Only reduced the size of the photos so that they are easier to load.


I strongly recommend to open the photo in a separate tab to appreciate it.

Do you like this post? You can see more of my works in my blog @boddhisattva


Jeee, goodbye Nikon!

Hehe... I hope that I Will use both 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

I use my S3 on occasion. It simply sucks, but okay for instagram etc :)

wow...lovely photos :) Cheers!

Thank you! 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

I recently got the Huawei Mate 20 Pro for similar reasons as yourself. The results are extremely good for a smartphone. On closer examination the image quality does not match that of my Olympus EM10 MK2, EM1 MK2 and Canon 5D MK3, which is to be expected. Also it gives me a some comfort considering the investment I've made in "real" camera equipment. ;)

But for a smartphone camera it really is very good indeed, great for record shots and with good light, good enough for most everything else. In night mode I've found artefacts, softness, loss of detail and over sharpening are obvious on a larger screen. I've used the Pro mode and successfully imported RAW images into Lightroom, so great scope for improvement through editing. Low light in pro mode does add a lot of noise.

I've bought a tripod grip for the phone, and will take it for a spin and see how well it handles night shots in night mode and Pro mode RAW. I'll pop up an article on my blog about it when I'm done.

Thank you for sharing your opinion. I completely agree with it.

Of course, this thing will not replace even an amateur SLR camera. But will allow to quench the thirst of the photographer, when the camera is not around. 8))

Excellent photos who would have thought they were taken with a smart phone!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow!!! These are great shots. They rival any compact 1/2.3 sensor camera in quality. Huawei is really pulling its own in the smartphone Bussiness.

Yes, looks like Huawei is a leader now

Posted using Partiko Android

Great review and the shots it took are awesome

Thank you very much!

Posted using Partiko Android

Most welcome

Have a super Sunday my friend

This camera kicks my Moto G5 S Plus to the dirt lol

Yeah, my old Sony Z3 loose too 😀

Posted using Partiko Android