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RE: Ice on Whyte Festival

in #photography7 years ago

Ice sculptures are an absolutely beautiful art form. The way the light reflect off and through them enhance the beauty that the artist has already created. What blows me away is the precision with which these sculptures are created and othen with primitive tools such as chainsaws.

Here isn Ottawa we have a Winterlude festival every year and one of the biggest attraction is the ice sculptures. During the first weekend of the event there is a sculpture carving competition where artist from all around come to compete. The artist have a set time to complete their masterpieces. The sculptures then stay up for the next two weeks of the festival for tourist and visitors to admire. The best part often is the stories that accompany the artwork.

As an avid fisherman this is one of my favourites.
Image result for winterlude ice sculptures 2018 images

Great Find @oldtimer