was in DC a month ago for the March, while it's irregular I get up there, some day I hope to run into you so that I can bestow that (what must be a strange) feeling of being recognized by a fan in the street. <3
All the best always, Yahia. _/|\_
was in DC a month ago for the March, while it's irregular I get up there, some day I hope to run into you so that I can bestow that (what must be a strange) feeling of being recognized by a fan in the street. <3
All the best always, Yahia. _/|\_
Sweet of you to say, dear Alain. I’ve not yet met anyone off Steemit, in person, it would be nice if you were the first :) I do meet readers, from time to time, yet don’t think of you as ‘fan’ but a fellow poet—whom I admire, as one of the finest on this platform. 🙏🏼