A Spring Walk in Washington, DC (Original Pictures)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


It is spring again.
The earth is like
a child that knows
poems by heart.

—Rainer Maria Rilke
Taking a nature walk in the city, by my old stomping ground (George Washington University) and stopping to smell the flowers & notice birds (of all sizes) in the process of nest-gathering..

Brave little one, above and below, was about to abandon her search for twigs as I arrived but, when she saw that I meant no harm, resumed her work.

And, as you can see, she's not alone...

Okay, will zip my lip, so that you can enjoy the breath-restoring scenery :)

Wishing you all a Brave New Week, ahead, and may you walk in Beauty. _/|\_


was in DC a month ago for the March, while it's irregular I get up there, some day I hope to run into you so that I can bestow that (what must be a strange) feeling of being recognized by a fan in the street. <3

All the best always, Yahia. _/|\_

Sweet of you to say, dear Alain. I’ve not yet met anyone off Steemit, in person, it would be nice if you were the first :) I do meet readers, from time to time, yet don’t think of you as ‘fan’ but a fellow poet—whom I admire, as one of the finest on this platform. 🙏🏼

I remember a few weeks ago I had a bit of an odd conversation with a friend of mine I had not seen in years. We were arguing about whether God is an artist or a scientist. It was a silly argument, and I cannot even recall how it started. What started off as a silly argument changed something in me. I began to see that God is both a scientist and an artist. I realize that God means many things to many people, so when I say God, what I mean is the source of creation, whatever it may be.

If you think about how many things have to go right for you to be and stay alive, if you think about the complexity of the universe and how it works, you can begin to appreciate that the laws that keep us alive and that keep the universe working must have been created by the mind of a divine scientist. For this reality to have as much beauty as is evident in your pictures, it is fairly obvious that the source of creation is an artist as well.

Well spoken, brother. I agree that the two are not mutually exclusive, science & art (since there's art in science & science in art) and that the Divine contains both aspects. Grateful to you for sharing this meditation and that my post occasioned it. _/|\_

Here's an Einstein quote you might enjoy:

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.

I really love that quote. You are right, there is art in science and science in art and everybody has a capacity for both, although we are often blind to that fact.

It is the nature of finite human beings to divide, and try to categorize, viewing the word and beyond through our limited lens--but the Infinite Creator is the undivided One... the source of all things, where language fails.

Awewome photography dear and starting little poem is also very nice

Those pink flowers are like furball..!!!

A real cinematic atomsphere..!!! 👌

And the companion of 'brave one' is quite pretty..!!!!

~ Tennis Girl 🎾🎾

Yes, la vie cinématographique -- so much living, breathing art & magic in the grand theater of existence :)

great..! ☺☺

Have a great week. The trees there look a lot like the trees in Seoul.

And, that is how we are all connected: one soil, one sky... on Soul :) Enjoy, Seoul, my friend. _/|\_

Aw, soo cute birds loved to see them, really so beautiful all pictures..

Glad you enjoyed them :) As the Persian poet, Hafiz, says:

The heart suffers when it cannot see and touch beauty, but beauty is not shy, it is synonymous with existence.


Exactly! right :)

hi @yahialababidi, The picture is very beautiful, I can only see the picture, enjoy it, because I have not gone Washington, DC. hopefully, I can get there

That's the beauty of a platform like this: we get to share the Beauty we see and our adventures for others to enjoy from their own homes... The computer screen has become our window onto the world :)

@yahialababidi, I agree reading is the window to the world. greetings from me

Nice narration and beautiful and talking photographs

a steemian greeting
Irman Syah | @mpugondrong