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RE: Take A Walk With Me

in #photography7 years ago

I am definitely not wrong when I referred to you as a braniac!!! What an ingenious write up complemented with descriptive and captivating photos. This is so lovely and amazing. The one that really really really caught my attention was the Trump mansion., that was really awesome.... Thanks to you, I now know how this trump mansion looks like. This descriptive article came timely. A well organised, justified and painstakingly written article. If I were in the power of giving Nobel laureate award, definitely I will award you. you did justice to this article. I say once again kudos. Each time I see your article, I am always fascinated in reading through it because I believe I will always learn something new. Thanks @reddust . You made my day.


You are a tease @cyprianj! You deserve an Oscar for your performance......hahahaha thank you for making me giggle. We all know I am an awful writer but I am a great artist :p

lol..... I just love saying the truth.