If you've read some of my dreemit's world posts in the past, you'll have found that for some strange reason when I show up to a place people tend to be absent or at the very least scarce. That would make sense if it weren't the middle of summer. Due to the long winters we tend to have in NY, where hibernation is not only for the bears, generally people here appreciate the nice weather more and come out in droves.
Could it be that electronics have truly taken over to the extent that our parks are empty? Or is there just something about me wielding a camera that makes them scatter?
Either way I found myself sitting in Cayuga State Park, and almost the entire time I only had the squirrels as company.
I can't complain though, it was very peaceful, and watching these animals play was a great deal of fun. I thought it the perfect thing to share with you on this Green Thursday.
Generously created for me by @son-of-satire
I seldom see people at my local park but that may be because people are consumed with this new technological world. Why have fun with nature while you can have fun tapping away on your phone or something else? haha
It's great when you have others jubilant and gleeful at the park. So many beautiful sights which are missed by the masses but it leads to the few to enjoy them in awe and wonder.
Great Photographs @dreemit. That little grey squirrel is absolutely adorable! :)
It's sad if that's the case, technology taking over to that extreme I mean. It's nice to see people enjoying the outdoors, makes everything and everyone feel much closer.
Thank you, and I know, definitely cute :)
I do love the greys! Despite that they are vilified here for forcing out the beautiful reds.
Cryptic eh!
You should try scotland for a long winter ;O)
There was one red, got a picture of it running away, but no close ups :)
Our winters take up about half a year, is it worse there?
Well we do joke that summer is two weeks in July lol! It's kinda cold here from October to April then we get a warmish may then reason for several months then winter :0)
That's cool that you have reds as well!
That sounds about like us, just a bit more summer. Actually sometimes it seems all we have is winter and summer. When I was young I remember the fall and spring being much longer, but that might have to do with how our sense of time seems to change as we age :)
We do have reds, though it's true that there are much less of them then greys.
I see it now, Ithink? Is that it in the middle pic quite far off, the tail I think?
The red that is not the grey.
God I love saying that. I think I will say it all day today, Red not grey. Hust to baffle people.
Yeah that will be the age time distortion. All the summers of my youth were long and exceedingly hot!!
Stephen King wrote a short story about that. Time, not squirrels. Lol. It's called My pretty pony, about a grandfather talking to his grandson in an orchard, telling him how time speeds up as you get older (but in a very cool Kingish story way where you had to decipher it a bit). The funny thing about that is I first read it when I was about sixteen, and it took on a great deal more significance when I read it again in my late twenties.
I will have to dig it out. I think I have read all his shorts. He was indeed the man back in the day!!
I noticed that one red one, might not last long with the greys about- don't they carry the Squirrel Pox?
I like squirrels but I'm a little wary of getting too close after one attacked me in New York- they must be tougher over there @meesterboom.
Yeah, I'm in upstate NY so it's a little different, but in the cities I hear they are a nuisance, they're generally compared to rats there.
Good lord. Yeah, they wouldnt come anywhere near you here!
You go squirrel! .. er .. girl?!! :P
Ha :)
Love your post!! Hope you win! Have a look at mine...I think it will make you smile or laugh :)
Thanks :) I don't think it's a contest though, I could be wrong. I will do :)
I love squirrels
Squirrels love nuts
I am nuts
So I guess squirrels love me too….
Hmm, I feel like we can turn that into a song.
I love squirrels, squirrels love nuts, but squirrels also like to lick their butts...haha
Does squirrel butt taste like recycled nuts?
There once was a girl named breezin, who talked about things for a reason, she especially liked nuts though also liked butts (and you do know that I"m only teasin) hee hee, we've been on a limerick kick over in the massdebators. LOL, the massdebators is a chat room on discord, join it! You would love the conversation, jump on one of @son-of-satire's posts and tell him you want to be added.
Awesome will do....
Oh, and clayboyn is a part of it too, plus I think Paul was added but he hasn't been on yet :)
I have asked :)
amazing post dear
Thank you!
Putting on my Sherlock hat: the squirrels seem to be finding food around those picnic tables, so somebody has likely been at that park recently, with food and probably some messy little children. They may have been staring at phones, but they were doing it at that table in the park. Which is a beautiful park, nice trees, and what looks like a big willow back there. :)
Oooh, can I be Watson? Then you can say It's elementary my dear, lol. Yes, I believe you solved that mystery Holmes :)
It is elementary my dear, we only have to think like the squirrel to learn the... hey is that a peanut? nevermind, I thought I saw a peanut. Anyway, yeah, think like a squirrel!
I have never seen a squirrel in my life, but when I was a kid I pretended to have an imaginary pet squirrel. I fed it nuts and stuff, and whatever I left really vanished. Really though, I think it just got swept when they clean the house. I was so convincing that my cousin thought it was real, became jealous, and wanted a pet squirrel of his own. Haha! Good times :D
Really? There are no people in your pictures? I haven't noticed haha! ;) In reality, dreemit's world is a magical post apocalyptic place where humans are non-existent (except for Mama Dreemit awwwww :D ), nature thrives and animals roam free haha
I would never be out of this park, I would love to sit and watch these :)
I really am fortunate, we have a number of beautiful parks like this one around us, most of them by the lake :)
dreemit got some love from