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RE: Color Challenge Thursday Green- and my day at the park with squirrels

in #photography8 years ago

That sounds about like us, just a bit more summer. Actually sometimes it seems all we have is winter and summer. When I was young I remember the fall and spring being much longer, but that might have to do with how our sense of time seems to change as we age :)

We do have reds, though it's true that there are much less of them then greys.


I see it now, Ithink? Is that it in the middle pic quite far off, the tail I think?

The red that is not the grey.

God I love saying that. I think I will say it all day today, Red not grey. Hust to baffle people.

Yeah that will be the age time distortion. All the summers of my youth were long and exceedingly hot!!

Stephen King wrote a short story about that. Time, not squirrels. Lol. It's called My pretty pony, about a grandfather talking to his grandson in an orchard, telling him how time speeds up as you get older (but in a very cool Kingish story way where you had to decipher it a bit). The funny thing about that is I first read it when I was about sixteen, and it took on a great deal more significance when I read it again in my late twenties.

I will have to dig it out. I think I have read all his shorts. He was indeed the man back in the day!!