Not Exactly What We Thought ...

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Have you ever seen a Butterbur in summer? Probably .. but then just its leaves. The flowers ... they come first in Spring.


I can't really say that it is already spring though the many bulbs are already budding and some are already in bloom cause it's been minus degrees the past days. I think that's why that flu that's been going around, I caught it, too that's why I have been pretty quiet.



I've walked through this path most of the summer and I really thought the leaves of this plants were that of them plants that bear flowers that looked like naked umbrellas.


I was scared of going through the thicket so I'd go around it and step on the grass instead because of the thought that its sap could send you to the ER but all that fear is actually unnecessary for it actually is just a very innocent Butterbur path.


I would have made it a lot easier have I asked the resto near the path what they actually are so yeah ... sometimes, things aren't really what we actually thought.

I can't keep my eyes open now .. sniffle meds sending me off to dreamland already so am sorry I have to hit the bed now and just come back in the morrow .. please bear with me ya' all. Thank you.

This content's 100% mine.Except for the one taken with my samsung galaxy A3 2016 edition with my shadow on it, I took the rest of the pics with my D Eye.

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Thank you dear @englishtchrivy for posting these lovely photographs and commentary.

So sorry to hear you are feeeling's hoping you will get well soon.


thank you mon ami
on the way to recovery now ..
just suffering from runny nose
too cold here these days, we've got -4 at daylight .. I must say I'm not used to it

laat de lente maar komen.

groetjes ,loonie mooie foto's @englishtchrivy

dank je wel!

The pictures are very beautiful. This type of scenery looks beautiful in the summer.

Sorry to hear you're under the weather. Heat up a bottle of beer, add a bit of lemon. Drink (disgusting) and immediately after off to bed, well covered. You'll be drowsy, possibly lightly feverish, you'll sweat, and you'll be right as rain the next morning, two treatments tops. Get well soon!

PS: Nice pics. No trace of color around here yet, just snow. :-(

we've also got crocuses
but not much are opened

I think I'd hit the bed for now .. can't hold my eyes open anymore
meds are taking its effects
really making me drowsy now
no need to warm bitter beer
will return ups in the morrow

I think that's why that flu that's been going around, I caught it, too that's why I have been pretty quiet.

Sorry to hear that. Are you against the flu jab? I have it every year, and it works.
Lovely photographs, as always.
Your shadow does look scary though :D

getting better now
just sniffling every now and then
fever off
but chills are still on brrr...

haha I look tall on that shadow haha

Wow very beautiful it is . i think i saw them .
But not beautiful that much .
It look so cool.

you are right. this kind of beautiful flowers are come first in spring. spring seasson makes our nature so beautiful look like a thats kind of pictures.'s looks very beautiful.very charming pictures.thanks for sharing with created this post looks awesome.keep sharing.go ahead

Wow...excellent photography, nice flower, thanks for sharing

Butterbur is "Ruttojuuret" in Finnish. Try to pronounce it! :D

thanks .. I no speak Finnish :D

rah - tto - yu - rey?

Haha! Good try, but not really right!
I don't know how to explain how to pronounce it! :P

Glad to see your photography work after a long time, they always make me happy. I have also posted a large number of posts here on steemit related to photography.

This time of year, nature too is deceptive. The flu is even worse than in the winter. I hope you feel better. These flowers are like the first signs of spring. It's nice to see nature Wake up. I'm not familiar with this plant. But having seen it I probably would have experienced pleasant emotions. Because after these first flowers will appear even more different plants. Do you have snowdrops growing?

it is!
last time we're talking about things in bloom too early
now it's like frozen every where
thanks for sharing those pulsatilla vulgaris
they call it wildemanskruid meaning wild man's herb
I've only seen them in fuschia here
I didn't know they exist in white and blue
I've only seen them in a castle nearby .. hmmm.. so they're just weeds out there?

If I am not mistaken, they are known 17 species (in Russia only 12), but some of them are listed in the Red book and are under state protection. We have the violators face a fine. They can be yellow color. Well, it's so easy if you're interested. I wish you a speedy recovery.

I don't think I have even seen those. The leaves seem somehow familiar...but no the flowers. So cool that it blooms first :)

the butterbur's leaves aren't on the pics
like I wrote it up there it'll come past summer

I googled the plant to see how it looks like not in bloom, in case I just miss to see the blooms :)

Despite the season it does indeed seems to be pretty great to look around in your images !

Sorry to hear about the flu though !

In the full scenery of the place you are standing & taking the image in that image the plants were not getting much attention while the images after that it sure looks pretty amazing ,they are indeed beautifully taken !

Thanks for the visit to the post of mine .I am getting there gradually :)


I wasn't really standing when I took those
and damn sunshine keeps getting blocked by cumulus clouds every now and then

are you a professional photographer??

just one of my hobbies

if I may know what the flower is???

It's beautiful this flower .. it turns out beautiful flowers do not have to be in the flower garden outside in the open also still many like this photo :)

Ooh these are gorgeous! I don't think I've seen those flowers around here in Ireland. They look delicious enough to eat!

haha.. I have to admit had they been bigger I would have mistaken the buds for a nipa cone fruit

so beauty looking flowe grow up

Hey you have an eye for very lovely shots! Great work, loved it. I'll follow you!

thanks for the new blog. that is great and nice photography.

Felicidades amiga buen post, siempre apoyandote saludos desde venezuela

This is extraordinary to see so many beautiful shots and its lovely to see thanks for sharing dear

These are really beautiful flowers!
Look after yourself, herbal tea and honey will do you good.

Excellent your publication friend I liked very good photo quality, I will continue reading you. Greetings a hug, you have my vote.

Hey I think I know that building and that park! City starts with a 'A' right? :) So nice to find fellow Dutch Steemians!