Surely ... You Do Not Want To Cross This Bridge

Dear Crabby Patty,

For so many years, I tried bearing with your crabbiness and all your whims. For so many years, I've tried reasoning out with myself for you, every time you pinch one of those people around you with your huge sarcasm filled pinchers. Perhaps, it was because I was unconsciously hoping you and those peeps would some day get to bond but this time, I've had enough bridging, I give up!

I tried reasoning out with myself to try to understand that you must have gone through a lot to become this crabby version of you but you clearly did your best to convince all of us that it's your nature and you are no close to you being willing to change. You made it so hard for all of us to really, really like you.

I should have listened to my inner self telling me there's no excuse for this misbehavior. For who in his right mind would wish for someone's downfall but a crab? It is always such a pain watching you stab people with your pepper cussed words of pinchers each time you speak ill or try to argue with every ideology presented to you just to prove that you are always right.

Is it jealousy? envy? or is there a spring of wickedness in your heart that fuels such misdemeanor you won't stop digging just to find out and snoop if one of those around you has failed? Were you wishing we did?

Did you plan to gloat had your assumptions been correct? Did it actually disappoint you that it was the other way around that you heard when you inquire?

How brave of you to inquire. Did you sharpen your sarcasm filled pinchers to prepare to gloat had it been the other way around?

What drives you to be such a crab? Does it kill you when you hear of another person's triumphs?

I've reached boiling point and I can no longer stand the stench of evil you are trying to cloak with that tupperware kindness version you've been showing me for years. I am no longer blindfolded to who you really are. I've lost my helmet this time, I've bumped my head hard I surely see through you. I've had enough of your crabbiness, I can tolerate having you around no more .

You are toxic and full of poisons, I would not want to be one of your victims and have a taste of your venom so from this time onward I'm putting up a sign asking you to back off because .. you do not really want to ever cross this bridge.

Yours truly,


Just to clarify; this post has nothing to do with anyone here, it's just a product of some random thoughts .. that flu epidemic must be getting into me, too ... nothing more nothing less but hey ... you can relate, can you?

I get the bridge.. there's just too many crabs out there .. well no crabs at all under this one. You get what I really mean right? Anyway, when it comes to crabs I could only think of one thing ... no, it's not crabby patty ... it's ~~ - curry with moringa leaves, garlic and ginger just like how my grandma used to make it ... hmmm.. that would be really yum - my ^___^ !


This content's 100% mine. I took the pics with my D Eye.

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Thank you for posting @englishtchrivy.

Lovely artistic photographs and written thoughts.

I think everyone has Crabby Patty in their is a matter of how much one will allow that person to have part in their life......hopefully not so much.

Wishing you all the best mon ami.


thank you mon ami
sorry for the late reply been under the weather but okay now...

yes, we all have had crabs in our lives and yes, we could also just cook them, I mean kick them out of our lives haha ^ ^

I hope you had a great weekend! or having one!

"Tupperware kindness", that's a keeper. I am stealing the phrase for future use 8-).

And damn, you get a lot of spam.


do you have a can?
please put them all in there like sardines

ik snap het echt niet hoe durf de mens dit te doen
na al die mooite worden ze nog soms geflagged tsk tsk tsk

Loved the photos and I'm getting the drift. The writing, honestly now, I find a bit much, dark and rambling. Somehow not you, but then again, I only know what you have chosen to let us see about you. From that, you strike me as a happy person, so banish the evil thoughts and back to happy on the count of three! One... Two... (You're welcome.)

hey, I also have a dark side
everyone does :D
but these are just some random thoughts - a product of observation and eating and making things up for the pics and something that went along during a conversation about that bridge - about crabs so I guess I put them all together and just thought on how to ...
am happy to have managed to achieve the impact
now please don't absorb

don't worry there's only happy thoughts today
most of my posts are pre-written
I want to post on a daily basis but my VI won't let me return ups nor curate
so if you noticed I am offline on some days

I'm glad to hear it. Impact indeed. Eating? That must've been one heck of a bad blood sausage! As to the VI / VP, I feel your pain. Down in the low 70s again myself, despite not posting yesterday.

I dont eat anything with blood
I can't stand the thought of toxin running on animal's blood when they know they'd be slaughtered blame my biology teacher in the Univ

it was crab in red curry
Thai style :)

I know. Just kidding.

thanks for sharing your amazing thought

thanks for the new blog. that is great and nice photography.

what a views !!!!!! nice photoghraphy.@upvoted @resteemit

Here are some hanging bridge photography ... and I liked your post. Photography was great

I don't really understand what this means, but since it wasn't meant for anyone(just random thoughts)so I guess only you can understand it. But nice photo :)

A beautiful and helpful story. Thank you for sharing your friends

Thanks for great photography..i acclaim this story..i like this life...

I love reading your story.

i love photography...

I love reading your story.

I like your capture of the bridge.

thank you
I miss your joke posts
the funny ones

Resteem and upvoted

Good story ...

what an amazing place this is!!

Is it a bridge .. I think the bridge is very good to take photo on the bridge .. Although below there are many crabs waiting.

I think ... It's very beautiful .. And today I read a very good story

I think the crab crabs in there are good .. Especially staying under such a beautiful bridge .. It does not look scary.

That is the best way to be having crabs, in a dish! Mmm mm!

hahahaha :D
you eat chico?
most peeps here don't

I sure do! I love a bit of crab with chilli , garlic and ginger, oh and a wee squueeze of lime

ah .. Thai style :)
yum yum too!

Yes, that flue, it is a weird one alright.

am juicing with an alien's space ship infiny juicer
just to make sure I don't catch it
someone says it's going around these days
too cold Oaldamst
I went out
almost every mere is frozen
and some kids are skating on it
thick ice ^ ^

The worst part is where it gets inside, hahaha. Hope is moves past your house.

From sunday on it looks like the coldest times are left behind. Only a couple of days more icy cold Ivy.

Here in the north there is lots if ice skating going on. Lots of shiny happy people.

it has been here
S got it but now just runny nose
I guess my immune system is pretty strong
but I've also been sleeping properly only in the hope that the eye sacks turn into bags and the dark circles around it vanish hahahah

that sounds like a happy picture of peeps skating with their hands on their backs
I love that thought .. specially when old peeps join and they're all smiles
I'm actually hoping to see that here
it's been 6 years since the last if I counted right :)

Good health to you both.

And when spring comes the eye bags will disappear. ;-)

Yes, it was 6 years ago since a proper winter with great ice-skating. It is a joy for a lot of people. Hope I recover enough in time so I can join in.

And if not, another one will come. Then it is looking forward to springtime next. :-)

I've to get some of my bridges out because of #bwphotocontest ;-)

oh there is that ?
Im no longer updated with the many contests here
good luck anyway!

I have lost touch too but when I see people participate and remember. 😎

Amazing story post...
I appreciate your life...
Sir..i am waiting your next post....
Best of luck....

i just hope crossing the bridge don't get me down like this ;p


Well yeah on the run of our life we do get to encounter people like that but at a point we get to see their true face and we take the right decision!
Such people do exist and they will be there !We just have to be careful on which person we choose to be by .

I'm busy looking for crabs on your photos, but not getting them. Is that just a term?

Hi my brother
Please give input of knowledge
How to use a good and correct esteem
Until a lot of people vote like you.
Thank you

Hi @englishtchrivy I see your post always in good story telling, even it was a fiction. But I love your Way to imagine some picture, I do know more How to writing a fiction story like this, but I think I must to try it, Crabby Patty was an awesome title of the story :)

good post dear

First of all, I just love to photo of that old bridge and then I started reading, thinking what is this about??? Well, yeah I can definitely relate to that, lol. Well written for sure 🌸💖🌸

thank you

then you must have had crabs around you, too
I hope not anymore or at least they're pincher and legs are tied up haha

Such a neat beautiful bridge! 😊 I'd cross it! ... I'll resteem like my lovley friend lena did 😆

the bridge on the pic can handle peeps and is indeed okay for crossing
thank you both for the resteem

Looks like a cool bridge !