
am juicing with an alien's space ship infiny juicer
just to make sure I don't catch it
someone says it's going around these days
too cold Oaldamst
I went out
almost every mere is frozen
and some kids are skating on it
thick ice ^ ^

The worst part is where it gets inside, hahaha. Hope is moves past your house.

From sunday on it looks like the coldest times are left behind. Only a couple of days more icy cold Ivy.

Here in the north there is lots if ice skating going on. Lots of shiny happy people.

it has been here
S got it but now just runny nose
I guess my immune system is pretty strong
but I've also been sleeping properly only in the hope that the eye sacks turn into bags and the dark circles around it vanish hahahah

that sounds like a happy picture of peeps skating with their hands on their backs
I love that thought .. specially when old peeps join and they're all smiles
I'm actually hoping to see that here
it's been 6 years since the last if I counted right :)

Good health to you both.

And when spring comes the eye bags will disappear. ;-)

Yes, it was 6 years ago since a proper winter with great ice-skating. It is a joy for a lot of people. Hope I recover enough in time so I can join in.

And if not, another one will come. Then it is looking forward to springtime next. :-)