Not sure if this is supposed to be sexy Alice in Wonderland or sexy Wizard of Oz. Either way, it works for me!
Not exactly sure this is. But it's very glamorous.
Not sure what this cosplay is supposed to be.
Big smile! From both of us!
Pretty good looking for a zombie!
A neon glowing boa and hat prove that almost anything goes at Dragoncon.
The famous Dragoncon Parade with the Ghostbusters segment. The Ghostbusters Subaru Outback is a brilliant idea! Never know when you will need to go off road to get to those ghosts! And it's a station wagon!
Hard to get a clear shot of the original Ghostbusters ambulance-based station wagon.
Sometimes you look at a shot after you took the picture and you realize you have a hidden gem in the photo. In this case it's a guy's bald spot that is glowing as it reflects the sun. From what I understand, this young man is now completely bald. And he works in Atlanta as a street lamp.
Megan the Martian Manhunter's daughter? A green wood elf? Not sure, but I like it!
Hey look, a fairy!
Nothing like that Atlanta September heat to make that Drow, (dark elf), make up run. Have to give the woman credit for staying in character in all that black leather and high quality materials. It was 95 degree F that day.
A Minion waddles behind this awesome looking dark wizard.
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Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!!