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RE: 5 Examples Showing Why You Should Take Photos in RAW Format

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for posting some great examples of why you should use raw images.
I have shot raw for the last couple of years and the difference in what is possible to do in post processing is amazing. I don't use lightroom because of its cost. I use instead Darktable, a free program that in my opinion is quite as capable as lightroom.


I use Darktable also. I used RawTherapee for a while, but Darktable won out instead.

When I started shooting raw I was looking for a good editing program and tried several different ones including RawTherapee and Darktable. The decission was easy. I do not use Darktable for ingestion and management, that is not its stong side. For that I use Digikam which is the best free software I have found for managing, importing and renaming photos.

I use Digikam to manage my collection but didn't like its RAW processing.

It appears that we use the same basic workflow! I ingest, name and manage all photos with Digicam and do all raw editing in Darktable. I used to have a linux machine for all this but now I travel full time and needed something small and portable. I ended up with a surface pro running win10. I run Darktable inside a virtual machine on the surface pro, not ideal but it works and is the only way to get Darktable on a windows computer.

I have Linux on my desktop and all of my laptops. I wonder if it would be possible to install Linux to the Surface.

I'd be lost without Digikam.

Digikam has a windows version that works just fine in my opinion. The issue is Darktable that only works on Linux and Mac. I'd love to see a windows version of Darktable but there is no one willing to maintain the code for the windows branch.
I could install linux on the surface pro but also need other software that is only available for windows and does not run under Wine in linux, so I have to have a windows computer and do not really want to carry two with me so that leaves me with running Darktable under a virtual machine and it works well enough on my surface pro (i7 version).

Yes, it is a question of will and want when maintaining a Windows version. For a long time, the developers my favourite Linux video editor, Kdenlive, said Windows was too broken to port it. But, eventually somebody turned up and now there is a Windows version.

Regarding OSs, it's all about what ever gets the job done.

But you could virtualise Windows on Linux and run your Windows software that way. ;-)

thanks, @fanstaf! :) I haven't heard about Darktable before, I like it's name 😁
Its screenshots look interesting, thanks for mentioning it!

If you use a Mac computer (or linux) - try it! It does have some really nice features that Lightroom doesn't have. In particular its parametric filter ability is awesome and has, as I understand it, not an equivalent in Lightroom.

oh no, I use Windows, what a pity :(

I use windows too and it is possible, but it is more complicated since you need to install linux in a virtual machine and then run Darktable inside that.
Oh well, the important thing is that you have a working way of editing your pictures and Lightroom does work very well.