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RE: Misted Sunrise / Vernebelter Sonnenaufgang

in #photography5 years ago

That's a great point sir johannpiber. I will have to cut back on steemit so more in order for her to be satified, unless the price shoots up! Somebody was telling me that when they first joined they were making two or three hundred dollars on each post. lol. it was insane.
I don't even think that is possible under the current structure but maybe it just depends on the price.


I have also heard of these prices and I do hope, these times will come back :)

It would help if they came back soon!

The word "soon" is very important, because it means not such a long time of "wait and see" 😉

Command accepted!

Howdy this fine Friday sir beerlover!

Yeah but what do you care, you just keep on working at your full time job so you can get your full time retirement right? You wouldn't quit before 8 years is up and lose that would you?

If I retire earlier, I would get less money, that's right, but when I am at the correct retirement age I will get the full money. If Steemit would pay me enough I would retire tomorrow, believe me :)

Command accepted!

Howdy this afternoon sir beerlover!

You mean if you quit work early you don't get your full amount until you reach official retirement age and then you get the full amount? wow, you can't lose! What is official retirement age there?

The official retirement age is 65, but I don't want to wait that long anyway - I can go with 62 ... or earlier if I can afford it ;)

BEER for you. Enjoy it! Hey @janton, here is a little bit of

BEER for you. Enjoy it! Hey @janton, here is a little bit of

You guys are flowing well today beerlover!

BEER for you. Enjoy it! Hey @janton, here is a little bit of