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RE: Fly on Flower / Fliege auf Blume :)

in #photography6 years ago

howdy again sir johannpiber! I think I went to bed last night before I finished replying to you, what did you do after work, went around the lake or did you go somewhere else?
About the snakes, yes it's creepy and you have to be on constant lookout in the spring, summer and fall months, the three months of winter are wonderful because you don't have to worry about them.

But I kill everyone of them that I see because if you don't then they might make this their home area. We also keep the grass cut short all around the house and we don't have anything in the yard or around the lawns that they can stay under like equipment or stacks of wood or anything like that, same thing for scorpions because they love wood piles and things laid on the ground.


Yes you did - I have been waiting for a reply, but nothing came :( lol

I finished my work at yout 10am, rode once around the lake, had lunch and then I went for a short motorcycle tour again :)Good evening @janton :)

I understand now, why you mow your lawn all the time ;) If there were so many snakes around here no one of my family would go out of the house anymore. But you are used to this and know how to handle it - best luck from me.

Howdy sir johannpiber! yes sir well some people love snakes and like to pick them up and they don't kill them if they come onto their property, they drive them a couple miles away and release them. But I'm not picking them up unless it's when they're dead and it's with a shovel.

I just keep a gun close by at all times or carry one, I carry one when I'm mowing especially. If you keep your place very clear of any hiding places and keep the grass cut short then that helps because they aren't attracted to anything around the property but we still find them all around the house, not often though, maybe they'll just passing through, I don't know.

I don't think they like vibrations so I just need to make a machine that pulses a vibration into the ground to keep them away. I think I'll look into that.

But on a happier note, your day sounds wonderful! And the weather is nice enough to ride the motorcycle yay!

I would definitely belong to the pickers and let all the snakes live, but somewhere far away 😁
And I think I would also buy some of these vibration things to keep the snakes away.Good morning @janton 😄

I am sure, that there must be some other things to avoid snakes and other dangerous animals 😁

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haha! Howdy again sir johannpiber! Well sir, if there was a way to avoid them we would have found out about it. But there's no reason to handle the deadly ones and I'm not going to let them stay in the area and put Mrs. J or Jack at risk.

Of course, I understand you completely. It's just that I am not used to kill animals, and we do not have such problems here. And you are right: family is much more important than anything else.

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howdy again sir johanpiber! yes sir I knew you would, thank you. There are advantages to living in higher and colder climates that's for sure. One of them is fabulous views and photography opportunities! Plus you can escape to the beauty and solitude of the forest at any time and that would be wonderful too.

I want to add too, that I don't like killing animals either and I don't hunt anymore. Even though I hate the snakes being around, I don't like killing them. That does not make sense to some people but I know you understand. lol.

How is the visit, are you still there?

Good evening @janton, yes, I understand, and yes, I'm still there. This is why my today's post was only a smartphone photo 😁

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