Milky Photoshop Experiments (Photo 52 Week #4)

in #photography5 years ago

A plate with milk, a camera and Photoshop were the ingredients for this photo series.

Ein Teller Milch, eine Kamera und Photoshop waren die Zutaten für diese Fotoserie.

Milk Droplets / Milchtröpfchen
Photoshop Experiments

I actually had a different plan for the photos on the #photo52 topic of "Black", but unfortunately that didn't work, but I will make these photos on another day.

Why didn't it work? I just couldn't make it out of my comfort zone.

Ich hatte eigentlich einen anderen Plan für die Fotos zum #photo52 Thema "Black / Schwarz" gehabt, aber das hat leider nicht funktioniert, wird aber nachgeholt.

Warum es nicht funktioniert hat? Ich habe es nicht geschafft, aus meiner Komfortzone zu kommen.

Color photos - reversed colors

That's why I thought about converting a white picture into a monochrome picture, you get a black and white picture and the conditions for this weeks topic "black" would be fulfilled.

Deshalb habe ich mir überlegt, wenn man ein Weißes Bild in ein monochromes Bild umwandelt, bekommt man ein Schwarzweißbild und die Bedingungen für das Wochenthema "Schwarz" wären erfüllt :)

Black & White photos - reversed colors

A plate filled with milk, the camera on the tripod and the rest of the milk filled in a small plastic bottle - done.

Well, almost done, because then I hung the small bottle on the lamp above the plate, and after focusing the camera on the center of the plate in manual mode, I have opened the small hole that I have made in the bottle cap, so that now slowly but steadily small drops of milk fell into the plate, which I tried to take pictures of using a fast shutter speed.

Einen Teller mit Milch gefüllt, die Kamera auf das Stativ und die restliche Milch in eine kleine Plastikflasche gefüllt - fertig.

Naja, fast fertig, denn dann habe ich die kleine Flasche an die Lampe oberhalb des Tellers gehängt, und nachdem ich die Kamera im manuellen Modus auf die Mitte des Tellers fokusiert hatte, habe ich das kleine Loch, das ich vorher in die Verschlusskappe der Flasche gemacht hatte, geöffnet, so dass nun langsam aber stetig kleine Milchtropfen in den Teller gefallen sind, welche ich mittels schneller Verschlusszeit zu fotografieren versucht habe.

Black & White photos

This is the easiest way I know to photograph droplets, but it takes a lot of patience to pull the trigger at the right time (remote trigger) and get a drop reasonably sharp.

These were my first attempts, which I made a few years ago, and I have not succeeded in taking a perfectly sharp photo nor one of those cool droplet photos that can be seen so often, but I still liked these 4 pictures the best out of the few hundred photos I have taken that afternoon.

Auf diese Art kann man Tröpfchen auf die einfachste Weise fotografieren, aber man benötigt viel Geduld, bis man den Auslöser zum richtigen Zeitpunkt abdrückt (Fernauslöser) und einen Tropfen einigermaßen scharf hinbekommt.

Das waren meine ersten Versuche gewesen, welche ich vor ein paar Jahren gemacht habe, und weder ist mir ein vollkommen scharfes Foto, noch eines dieser coolen Tropfenfotos gelungen, die man so oft sehen kann, aber diese 4 Bilder haben mir trotzdem am besten gefallen von den einigen hundert Fotos, die ich an diesem Nachmittag gemacht hatte.

Color photos

After loading the photos onto the PC, I had to clean them a little with Photoshop and then play with the settings and export the different versions as JPEG.

Doesn't sound like much work, I know, but it still took a while for the photos to be finished ... and it was a lot of fun 😊

Nachdem ich die Fotos auf den PC geladen hatte, musste ich diese noch ein wenig mit Photoshop säubern und und dann ein bisschen mit den Einstellungen spielen und die verschiedenen Versionen als JPEG exportieren.

Klingt nach nicht viel Arbeit, ich weiß, aber es hat trotzdem eine Weile gedauert, bis die Fotos fertig waren ... und es hat Spaß gemacht 😊

Photo 52 Challenge

That's a cool new photo challenge. @wwwiebe started the project "Photo 52" and created the Steem Account @photo52.

The contest defines a topic for each week of the year that runs for 7 days. The rules are simple and are announced every Wednesday on @photo52 with the post of new theme of the week.

The topic of this week is black.

You can find more information on the topic of this week, the rules and prizes at

Das ist eine coole neue Foto Challenge. @wwwiebe hat das Projekt "Photo 52" ins Leben gerufen und dafür den Steem Account @photo52 erstellt.

Die Challenge gibt für jede Woche des Jahres ein Thema vor, welches 7 Tage läuft. Die Regeln sind einfach und werden jeden Mittwoch auf @photo52 mit dem neuen Wochenthema verlautbart.

Das Thema dieser Woche ist Black - Schwarz.

Nähere Informationen zum Thema dieser Woche und zu den Regeln und Preisen findet ihr auf

If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or a resteem 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so you do not miss a post from me anymore.

Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,

Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
#originalcontent #originalworks



Bang, I did it again... I just resteemed your post!
Week 20 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
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Thank you so much, my dear @pixresteemer 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

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Great work. I want to try it myself. Maybe in the summer I will also try something similar.


I'll try to make new ones when we have the next rainy day, but I'm looking forward to your shots in summer, that's a long time to wait though ;)I haven't seen many waterdrop photos lately, so I thought these 4 photos to post would be a nice idea - thank you so much that you like them, @gidlark 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

0.00950738 TRDO0.00633825 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @gidlark, you successfuly trended the post shared by @johannpiber! @johannpiber will receive & @gidlark will get

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Wow, I like, I never seen this type of details. You deserve a !BEER , a !COFFEEA and a !DERANGED !MARLIANS
!giphy smile

P.S. And a !trdo

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Oh, they were only a first try and fun some years ago, but thank you so much for your kind words, my friend, I really appreciate it 🙂

And thank you also for the !BEER and for the !COFFEEA and for the !DERANGED !MARLIANS and for the trendo I give you a !shop back ;)
!giphy smile

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

BEER Hey @davidesimoncini, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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!BEER and !COFFEEA with milk 😉.Beautiful photos @johannpiber, hope that you will win this week challenge too.

Thank you so much, my friend, but to be honest, I don't want to win this week, because I'm sponsoring this weeks winner by doubling the prize 😉

A hot !COFFEEA in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉 Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @cezary-io here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

upvoted and resteemed
by the


Thank you so much for the resteem, @artmentor, I appreciate it 🙂


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BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @artmentor for you. Enjoy it!

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@tipu curate

Thank you very much @lostprophet, I appreciate it 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

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Looks like a sharp nail piercing the ball.
It must be very sweet and healthy😋

The milk - sweet and healthy? Oh yes, the milk was really good 😉
Thank you for your nice comment, @afril, I appreciate it 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

BEER Hey @afril, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Cool experimental shots

Thank you very much, @momzillanc, they were just fun to see how it works, and I have learned, that photographing drops is not as easy as it seems 😉

No, it's not easy at all. We had an assignment in art school to photograph drops of liquid. It was a serious pain me and all my classmates and used up roll after roll of film to get a handful of shots we could turn in for the assignment. At least now, it's all digital.

I can imagine that shooting waterdrops on film was a pain, because you didn't immediately see if the photo was ok.
Digital photography has made such photos, and of course photography at all so much easier.

I had a hard time just getting what I thought was a halfway decent shot of my ancient coffee cup. Maybe one day, in our next house, I can make a sort of studio for taking pictures and have a bunch of tools, but for now it is make due with what I have, and just take a lot of pictures at different settings and hope for a nice shot. At least with digital you don't have to pay to have 100+ bad pictures developed. :-}

My favorite image above is the black and white reversed one with the short spike and the round drop just above the spike.

My studio is our dining table - when I want to photograph such things, what I seldom do, I have to carry all stuff I might need from the cellar to the apartment and hope nobody needs the table for a couple of hours ;)
Yes, that's right - digital has changed a lot and made it so much easier to photograph, but on the other hand, I don't think so much anymore, because I can make as many short as I want and edit them in any way I want afterwards. I do prefer digital though ;)

That's my favorite shot too, and now, that I have found these old shots, I think I know what I'll do next time when we have bad weather 😉

Thanks for your kind comment, @bashadow 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good 😉

BEER Hey @bashadow, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Tolle Idee! Tropfen in Kugelform sind doch selten. !BEER und !invest_vote

Deshalb haben mir diese Fotos auch gefallen 😉 Ich glaube, beim nächsten schlechten Wetter werde ich es wieder einmal versuchen.
Ich danke dir vielmals, @kadna, und wünsche dir noch einen schönen Montagabend.

A hot !COFFEE in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉

Dann stelle ihn irgendwo in die Wärme ;-) !COFFEEA Danke dir!

Aha, das "A" vergessen ;) sorry - !COFFEEA und !BEER Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @kadna here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @johannpiber here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @kadna for you. Enjoy it!

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Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@kadna denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @kadna thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->

Great idea .... how beautiful you made it. All honors, all that was to be designed.@johannpiber🤗

Posted using Partiko Android

I haven't made such photos for quite a while, but I think I know what I'll do next time when we have bad weather :)Thank you so much for your kind compliment, @suzana72 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

You're welcome@johannpiber😊
Here are the ideas for bad weather, you just need imagination and you have it.😁

Posted using Partiko Android

That's true, and the next rainy day will definitely spent photographing (rain)drops ;)
Good morning @suzana72, have a great day 🙂

A hot !COFFEEA in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉

Good morning@johannpiber😊
..have a great day ❄️

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BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @davidesimoncini for you. Enjoy it!

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klasse--echt klasse

Vielen lieben Dank @feuerelfe 🙂

A hot !COFFEEA in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉 Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @feuerelfe here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

Wow, sieht ziemlich cool aus!
Das könnte man sich so glatt als Fotoserie ins Wohnzimmer hängen :)

Die habe ich vor Jahren mit der Olympus E510 gemacht, und die Auflösung wird nicht wirklich für einen größeren Ausdruck reichen, denke ich ;)
Aber danke vielmals für deinen netten Kommentar, @melvin7, hat mich echt sehr gefreut 🙂

A hot !COFFEEA in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉

Muss ja nicht groß ausgedruckt werden, so ein 20x20 Rahmen pro Bild (schwarzer Rahmenhintergrund, Bild selbst nur 10x10) sollte sich auf jeden Fall ausgehen haha :D
Stell ich mir auf jeden Fall ziemlich ästhetisch vor :)

So klein geht garantiert - ich denke bis 20x20 dürfte kein Problem sein und wenn ich mir die Quartetts so anschaue, könne ich es mir durchaus auch vorstellen, die schwarzweißen mal auszudrucken.
Zuerst müsste ich mir einen neuen Drucker zulegen, was auch bald der Fall sein wird, wenn mein Töchterchen ihre Diplomarbeit ausdrucken will ;)

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

steem-engine.comYou just received DERANGED @melvin7 Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @melvin7 here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

WOw these are fanastic I have tried doing water splash shots but never with milk, but i know how hard it is to get everything just right with these and you did awesome

Cheers and !BEER

Good morning JJ 🙂

Thanks a lot, but you don't know how many shots I have made to get at least these 4 ;)
Maybe I should try it again on the next rainy day - in week 8 the theme photo52 theme is free to choose :)

I hope you're fine and you have a good day 🙂

A hot !COFFEEA in the morning is very important to me to wake up before I have my first !BEER 😉

Good morning My friend,
I can imagine how many shots you took to get those 4 I know from experience it kind of makes one !DERANGED to try and get good shots

I want to set up a spot when we move with the lights setup and a table to do fun shot slike these, i dont really have a spot here and have to set up on the Kitchen table then pack it all up afterwards so I am lazy and dont do it LOL

Cheers and !BEER

Good morning and good afternoon JJ :)

That's what I would need to - such a space to leave my things there. I thought it would be no problem to pack everything away and set it up when I want to take some photos at home, but I am as lazy as you are. Nevertheless I think this weekend I'll start a waterdrop session on our dining table ;)

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

good evening :)

A space like that would be great I hope it can come to be for me

good luck this weekend

I may not be !DERANGED but I share deranged tokens, similarly I don't drink !BEER anymore

Good morning :)

I hope for you, but I do believe you'll be able to get such a space or room, when you move, because this is certainly something you will look for when you search for a house ;)

Thank you - the results will be exclusively published on the Steem blockchain, if there are any results 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

Yes it’s on my list so time will tell


I don't drink !BEER anymore and never have had hot drinks myself,which some may say is !DERANGED

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BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!

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BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @cezary-io for you. Enjoy it!

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I love those! I've personally tried drop-water photography before with less than stellar results. This is really good motivation to try again. Thank you for sharing!

These photos have also motivated me to try it once again after quite a few years. Now I am hoping for a rainy day to stay inside ... not really ;)
Thank you very much for your kind comment, have a great day 🙂My pleasure @wwwiebe 🙂

A hot !COFFEEA in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉 Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @wwwiebe here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

Mal was ganz Neues von Dir :)

Liebe Grüße

Mal ganz was Altes, würde ich sagen ;)
... aber ich denke, beim nächsten schlechten Wetter werde ich es wieder mal versuchen.

Liebe Grüße 🙂

A hot !COFFEEA in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉

Man sollte immer alle Möglichkeiten austesten :)

Hier war heute die erste frische Nacht. Hab direkt heute früh lange Hosen und ne Jacke angezogen. 9,5 Grad ist dann doch zu frisch für ohne :)

Liebe Grüße

Dafür haben wir Frühlingstemperaturen bei 6 Grad - heute morgen war überhaupt kein Eis auf den Autoscheiben.
9,5 Grad im Sommer ist aber wirklich frisch.

Liebe Grüße 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

Und wir haben jetzt schon wieder 20 Grad, Tendenz steigend.

27 sollen es werden, ich vermute 30 werden es bestimmt.

So ist halt das Wetter an der Küste, wenn der Wind auf Süd dreht kommt die Luft halt vom Südpol und die ist natürlich etwas frischer als die aus anderen Richtungen.

Liebe Grüße

So warm wird es bei uns nicht, aber es ist zu warm und regnet, wie ich gerade geschrieben habe.
Wenn doch nur der Südpolwind bis zu uns blasen und den Regen in Schnee verwandeln würde ;)

Liebe Grüße 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

nee nee Da musst Du schon den Nordpol darum bitten. Der ist Euch näher.

Man ich wünsch Dir so sehr 2 Meter Schnee...

Liebe Grüße

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BEER Hey @uruguru, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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BEER Hey @uruguru, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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amazing post and mesmerizing captures.

Doesn't sound like much work

dont say so! that is not true.

ps. i've done some silly investments in $trdo token today, a good opportunity to see how did it work out.

If it is fun then it is not work, then it's just fun ;) lol

Good morning @qwerrie, thank you so much that you like these old photos, which have really been my first tries in milk droplet photography. After these I have made a few shootings with water, but I liked these more.

Thanks a lot for the trendo, have a great day 🙂

A hot !COFFEEA in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉

my late lazy morning! thanks for the !COFFEEA, too. Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @johannpiber here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

0.05014913 TRDO0.03343275 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @qwerrie, you successfuly trended the post shared by @johannpiber! @johannpiber will receive & @qwerrie will get

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These Milky Photos need high-speed shooting skills
Good shot.
!trdo !BEER

Good morning and thank you very much for your kind comment, @cloudblade, I appreciate it 🙂

A hot !COFFEEA in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉

0.28084725 TRDO0.18723150 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @cloudblade, you successfuly trended the post shared by @johannpiber! @johannpiber will receive & @cloudblade will get

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BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @cloudblade for you. Enjoy it!

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I could never do complicated photography with iPhone and my simple click!
Yours is very high brow photography plus lots of skill.

Oh, thank you so much, my dear @kaminchan, I appreciate your kind comment 🙂

I think there are several lenses which you can add to an iPhone to make macro shots and such, but because I have no iPhone I cannot say whether this works or not. But you still are able to shoot nice and cool photos with a phone I think :)

A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up 😉 Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @kaminchan here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

Kudos to you Johann for this experiment. Amazing photos!

More and hopefully better droplet photos will follow soon, thank you so much for your kind comment, Jo 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

BEER Hey @redheadpei, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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steem-engine.comYou just received DERANGED @redheadpei Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @gidlark for you. Enjoy it!

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Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @johannpiber!

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Thank you very much for informing me, @arcange, I appreciate your service 🙂


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This is awesome, Johann! @johannpiber

I am a hit and miss with this kind of photography, but you really nailed it and the results were different than you wanted at first, but, I think you hit a home run with what you edited it with.

Fabulous and I will have to get your ear on what I am doing wrong. ;)


Good afternoon and thank you so much, Denise 🙂

I have no idea what you are doing wrong, but the most important things are a tripod for your camera and something that helps the drops to fall down on the same spot all the time. The rest is timing and patience and a flash might also be helpful to freece the drops. When we have bad weather next time I'll try to explain better what I'm doing ... only if I get some decent shots, of course ;)

There's also a thing called Pluto Trigger, which does all work for you, and you only have to setup the whole thing, bu tI think this would be half the fun ;)

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

Do you know I own a Pluto Trigger that I got a few years ago and have never used?

Do you? I have just seen a video on Youtube about it and how easy it must be to make waterdrop images. I give you a !tip : watch Youtube videos about it and then show us some nice waterdrop photos, but please not the best ones, because then I might get demotivated to make such photos myself ;)

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

BEER Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Frozen Things / Gefrorene Sachen@johannpiber wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @johannpiber if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

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BEER Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Rainy Days And Sundays @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @johannpiber! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

Thank you very much Denise 🙂

I always wanted to try taking such photos but never did. I like what you got ;) Especially the second one - small flying drop ☺

These photos are quite old and have been my first try to make such images. I have found them yesterday in my photo archive and now I know what I'll do on the next rainy day 😉Thank you so very much for your nice comment, dear @zirochka 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

It's too cold outside for a cold beer, so I warm it ip, LOL

Here it's much too warm - it has +3C and it is raining, so a cold !BEER would have been fine, but a !COFFEEA is fine too, thank you 😉

Well, I love those tokens but I remember those glass of Prosecco in Rome... It was really perfect one :))) For any weather conditions

Then I would suggest that someone should make a Prosecco token for you ;)
That would be a nice addition to all the !BEER and !DERANGED !MARLIANS 😉

Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...

steem-engine.comYou just received DERANGED @zirochka Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

steem-engine.comYou just received DERANGED @johannpiber Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

BEER Hey @zirochka, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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BEER Hey @zirochka, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Das ist ja mal eine interessante Idee - Milch statt Wasser für Tropfen. Tolle Effekte, ich hätte die Milch nicht erkannt. 😎 !invest_vote

Dankeschön @ditsch 🙂

Wie bereits gesagt, das sind vor Jahren meine ersten Versuche gewesen und wenn ich mehr Platz zu Hause hätte, um solche Sachen zu machen, dann gäbe es auch mehr bzw neuere Tropfenfotos. Weil ich aber nur den Esstisch zur Verfügung habe, ist es schwierig, aber demnächst werde ich wieder mal ein paar Versuche starten.

Liebe Grüße und einen schönen Tag 🙂

A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up 😉

Naja, wenn jetzt auch noch Versuche zum Fotografieren dazu gehören darf man sich nicht wundern 😎 Esstisch ist unpraktisch, oder? Den musst du immer wieder frei machen. Na dann probiere ich mal ob ich deinen nächsten Morgen sponsern kann !COFFEEA

Haha, das ganze Leben besteht aus Versuchen ;)
Ja, ich habe leider nicht genug Platz in der Wohnung, dass ich einen fixen Tisch für solche "Versuche" haben könnte. Aber ich bin ohnehin lieber draußen und mache solche Sachen nur ganz selten.
Ein !COFFEEA am Morgen hilft immer, dankeschön 😉 Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @ditsch here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @johannpiber here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @ditsch here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@ditsch denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @ditsch thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->

Vielen lieben Dank @ditsch 🙂

steem-engine.comYou just received DERANGED @johannpiber Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at Lucky you @johannpiber someone just gifted you Marlians, view all your tokens at

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You have been given a PHOTOFT TOKEN of appreciation for entering the PHOTO52 contest!


Thank you very much @wwwiebe 🙂

BEER Hey @wwwiebe, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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You have been given a PHOTOFT TOKEN of appreciation for entering the PHOTO52 contest!


Thank you so much @wwwiebe 🙂

steem-engine.comYou just received DERANGED @wwwiebe Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

BEER Hey @wwwiebe, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Howdy sir johannpiber! These are wonderful! I think they are worth the effort.

Good evening my friend, I hope have a nice day 🙂

Thank you very much that you like the photos - making them has been much fun, and I think I'll try it again soon, but with water and not with milk I think ;)

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

Howdy sir johannpiber! I was beginning to think that you took a little time off from commenting. Either that or I lost track of time!

Did you use a macro lens for those shots?

Good morning @janton 🙂

I think it is the time difference and that I go to bed at 10 pm at the latest and you at about 2 am ifI remember right ;)

But you are also right, I try to comment less to have more time for my posts :)

I hope your back pain is gone and you have a great day working on your tree trunk 👍🙂

A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up 😉

Howdy sir johannpiber! It is almost noon here but I'm sure you are off work by now unless you are working extra hours like some kind of maniac.

I injured my back worse than I thought so I've been trapped inside for about 5 days now. It is getting better each day though so I'll be fine in a few more days. I just gotta be careful not to over do it in the future.

It is 7 pm here and I'm at home - good evening @janton 🙂

Oh, I feel so sorry for you, and because I said that I don't want to help you I feel even more sorry. I hope a !BEER will help you to recover faster.
And: do really take more care of yourself when you go to this tree trunk again, because now you know he is fighting back ;)

lol..thank you sir johannpiber. Well, I was overdoing it because my back was already sore but I went ahead anyway and I shouldn't have. Beer always helps! lol.

BEER Hey @janton, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Howdy on the fine Tuesday night sir beerlover and thank you! Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @janton here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

steem-engine.comYou just received DERANGED @janton Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

Well howdy there deranged.coin! Thanks so much for the token!

BEER Hey @janton, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Howdy sir beerlover! Good to see you on this great Monday evening!