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RE: Milky Photoshop Experiments (Photo 52 Week #4)

in #photography5 years ago

My studio is our dining table - when I want to photograph such things, what I seldom do, I have to carry all stuff I might need from the cellar to the apartment and hope nobody needs the table for a couple of hours ;)
Yes, that's right - digital has changed a lot and made it so much easier to photograph, but on the other hand, I don't think so much anymore, because I can make as many short as I want and edit them in any way I want afterwards. I do prefer digital though ;)

That's my favorite shot too, and now, that I have found these old shots, I think I know what I'll do next time when we have bad weather 😉

Thanks for your kind comment, @bashadow 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good 😉