
I take my Apple Watch off when I go to sleep the one time I tried it it showed me being active and moving most of the night and I thought ok I know I roll around I don’t need to know how much

This is, why you don't want to get up in the mornings: because you are so tired from walking and running around all night long. That's no joke, because many times, when I can remember, that I was dreaming of running or so, I am really tired in the morning, as if I was actually doing something over night :)

I leave my fitbit on, because otherwise I would forget it, and I look at the data only sometimes, when I am curious ;)

I think, my Xiaomi phone does not want to work with the fitbit app - sometimes it synchronizes, sometimes not. Now it does not. So, I think, it is either the phone's fault, that actifit and fitbit don't function as they should. I will go on trying, but if I cannot get it running, then I don't mind very much.

That’s a good point maybe I should wear my watch a few nights out if curiosity to see what it says if I am running in my dreams it’s the only running I do these days lol 😂

But I think, that even an Apple Watch could not tell you, why you are running in your dreams ;)

No Indeed it could not tell that but t can tell when your active while sleeping which the one time i tried it was most of the night, I think they say you generally have a few dreams a night, I only ever remember one if that, and they may sometimes include running but generally away from somehting LIke the other night being chased by a bull through a paddock running s fast asI could with camera tripod camera bag and a chilly bin, which is one of the weird thing i never take a chilly bin with me when out walking for photos

Chased by a bull? That's weird, but I have had other wild animals like lions and snakes chasing me ;)
And you had a lot to carry. Maybe the bull wanted a cool drink 😎
Dreams are strange. Sometimes I wake up from an interesting dream and think, that I have to remember it, and then the dream is gone. All I know, is that it was somehow interesting 😂

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I think thats one comes from an actual experience when I was younger, in a cross country race the farmer forgot the day it was on and leafy the Bull in a field we had to cross, I was leading the race and the Bull took after after me, All I was good I managed to get tot he next fence and across safely, and then they diverted the race around the field for the rest so clearly that still sits somewhere in my memory banks and comes back in dreams
I tell you what if I was ever being chased by a Bull He could have the chilly bin,, maybe even the tripod but no way my Camera LOL
thats a feeling that frustrates me waking up and knowing so clearly that I just had a really interesting dream but having no idea what it was lOL