Well thats a good point, I did without knowing it try what they call a magic Mushroom in Asia once, went to an out of the way place to eat and ordered the soup and they said it comes with special mushrooms and we all said cool bring it on, as we were all laughing giggling and out of our heads after the soup it dawned on us what they meant by special LOL
Even more interesting, I hope you didnt taste it LOL
No, it didn't look very tasty 😉
well thats good, :)
I don't know, if it's good, because I didn't taste it 😉 LOL
Well thats a good point, I did without knowing it try what they call a magic Mushroom in Asia once, went to an out of the way place to eat and ordered the soup and they said it comes with special mushrooms and we all said cool bring it on, as we were all laughing giggling and out of our heads after the soup it dawned on us what they meant by special LOL
Yes, you have told me that story a while ago - it was so funny, and I still can imagine you guys after the soup :)
LOl to be honest none of us remember much about that night LOL