Lemon Harvest and Walking Stick Photos

in #photography7 years ago

You might remember that my first Pacific Northwest grown lemon harvest had not exactly a stellar outcome and resulted in one rudimentary dime sized lemon. This time I carefully coddled the lemon tree, protecting it from the chilly winter by keeping it inside in my office and giving it plenty of outdoor sunlight when the weather permitted.

It resulted in one excellent lemon. Very tasty and not too tart with some subtle fragrances and flavors that you don’t find in most store bought lemons.

The Pacific Northwest Grown Lemon Harvest of 2018 – click for viewing full screen

I have transplanted the tree into a bigger pot and I hope next season to get a better harvest.

Cut lemon, nice and juicy – click for viewing full screen

I have both my lemon and lime trees outside right now next to the heather flowers. After watering them this morning I found a stick bug walking along the lime tree branch.

A stick bug walking A – click for viewing full screen

I thought this was an interesting looking bug.

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A stick bug walking B – click for viewing full screen

Sometimes called a walking stick or other odd names.

stickBugC .jpg
A stick bug walking C – click for viewing full screen

I like the way these bugs blend into the surroundings.

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A stick bug walking D – click for viewing full screen

I’ve read that a lot of other bugs like to eat them so looking like a stick helps protect them.

stickBugDCrop .jpg
A stick bug walking D crop– click for viewing full screen

I doubt the stick bug will harm the lemon or lime trees much so beside taking its picture I left it alone.

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+.


Hello Dear friend @lightplasher. How are you. I JUST RESTEEMED YOUR POST.. Really your photography is awesome and very nice clicked. I love your post all time. Thank you for sharing with us. I hope you have a good day.

Lemon has many benefits one of which is to lose weight because lemon contains lots of vitamin c.

very tasty and fresh lemons, maybe this time my best friend hasn't gotten lemon too good, and big, maybe my best friend got lemon next year better and the fruit is massive, a little after me lemon it needs Very good care, I really like the lemon thanks my dear friend for sharing

Lemons are pretty tasty, and I hope the tree will get bigger and produce more of them. It is hard to grow a tree that is not native to the area though.

yes my dear friend, hopefully your lemon tree grows fast and can produce massive fruit

Well congrats on the fine looking lemon!

I love how those walking sticks can really blend in with the branches. Weird thing here is that I have not seen many lightning bugs this year.

Have a great weekend. 4am here so it's my bedtime!

Thank you, it was wonderful to eat. I've notice less insects too. I hardly needed to clean the car windshield on my recent trip. Usually I have to clean it every time I gas up. It seem like the last few years there have been less and less insects on the windshield.

Have a nice weekend too. It would be a fine time to see some shooting stars but it seems to be clouding up and is very hazy from the fires or something.

Lemons are a very special fruit, it is said that they dissolve gallbladder stones or maybe help get some from you gallbladder aside from it is a really good to make a juice from or tenderize meats and flavor them as well.

You should plant more fruiting shrubs and trees :) Nice creature a walking stick is, it has a defense mechanism, not to get spotted easily by its predators. @lightsplasher

I have been thinking of maybe putting a pear tree in or another apple tree. These trees do really well around here. I like peaches and figs too but they don't grow as well.

Yes and maybe berries too so you can have the fruits faster and they pack some antioxidants that is good for longevity.

hi, my friend @lightsplasher how are you?

I like lime. Because it tastes very sour ...

I like both limes and lemons. My lime tree has not produced any limes for a couple years, but it did make a nice lime when I first got it.

Very good smartphone photography brother.
Hi brother im ebuk from Nigeria. I am new on that please visit me. I have uploaded new pictures. See me.

fresh lemons and beautiful photo @lightsplasher

very beautiful photos, this will be an inspiration for me, thank you @lightsplasher

Ur smartphone photography is going better day by day. I am going to be your deep fan day by day. Brother.
Specially the green pictures.... love you . Feel free visit me. I have posted lots of collections

very juicy looking! Well done @lightsplasher.

Fresh lemon very good for health @lightplasher

,I really like lemons, because lemons are rich in benefits, they are healthy for the body, they are very useful for patients with cholesterol, and have various other diseases


They have lots of good vitamin C too. It would be nice to have a bigger crop next time; lemons are getting expensive in the store.

in our country lemon is also very expensive in the store, because he is in great need, remembering lemon is rich in benefits, for the health of the human body

hi, my friend @lightsplasher how are you? I love it so much for me to plant lemons before I tried it but it didn't work how many of my lemon trees died when the dry season came, but I want to try again to plant lemon trees because these lemons also have benefits if we consume them apart from increasing antibodies, sour taste of water Lemon can also help digest food.


I'm fine but a bit busy and don't always get a chance to have Internet. Lemon trees are hard for me to grow too because of the winter conditions. I have to move the tree inside in the fall.

I'm glad to hear that you're fine! indeed growing lemon is very difficult for me because this lemon in cold weather it is also difficult to maintain life especially in the summer.

Superior flower buds you found still your walking @lightsplasher. Tremendous photography collections. I think you got big harvest of lemons.

Thank you, the flowers are doing very nice right now. The heather flowers last a long time.

Much better than previous year dear brother. You cared for the plant and plant gave you such a nice lemon. I think the stick bug is just having its life enjoyed and not harmful to lemon or flowers.

Yes, this coming season I hope the lime and apple trees will flower. It seems like it takes some time for the smaller trees to start producing a consistent harvest. The stick bug is so unique I don't mind if it eats the tree and I doubt it will do much harm at all. I would rather see things flourishing. There are fewer insects now and I noticed hardly any were on the car windshield on my recent trip as opposed to what I have seen in the past.

I think due to the excessive use of chemicals in agriculture poor insects being wiped out of our planet! So sad!

welcome my friend. taking a perfect photo on a very interesting little animal. best friend of mine.

beautiful natural photography

These stick insects are very clever to deceive or camouflage their enemies

usually he will attach his body to the trunk or branch and leaf tightly when the enemy comes,
so the enemy doesn't see it.
we can try to touch it and he will do the above.
thank you for sharing @lightsplasher.

Some of the stick insects in the forest are very hard to notice. I like seeing them, they are very different looking.

how are my dear friends, are you okay

Hey buddy ur picture is really awesome.love your picture.❤️❤️
Please upvote me and visit me

maybe this type of insect [stick] is not a problem for lemon and lime trees, like these sticks do not belong to the name of a pest that disturbs your lemon plant. Can I! asking for a little lemon from your harvest ***@lightsplasher **?? may be very tasty if I can taste your lemon harvest. → hahaha ...

Maybe some day if I ever get a significant harvest I can airmail you some, lol. The tree is very small and grows in a pot so I'm not sure if it will make many lemons. (The weather here is not very good for growing lemon trees - it is kind of a hobby for me.)

Yes, best friend @lightsplasher.

hi my buddy @lightsplasher how are you tonight tonight, friend, are you okay my friend @lightsplasher, i really hope that you are fine, my friend tonight I sent the results of a bug photographer hopefully my friend would like to thank you


Hello brother @lightsplasher, I was online today and I can only write a new one, I am very busy I hope you don't forget me, very tasty and fresh lemons, maybe this time my best friend has not gotten lemon too good, and big , maybe my best friend got lemon next year, best lemon, it needs Very good care, I really like the lemon thanks my dear friend for sharing

Tmx for staying with me brother.
Feel free visit me. I need ur help

Very nice photography..
Please upvote me

hi my buddy @lightsplasher how are you tonight tonight, friend, are you okay my friend @lightsplasher, i really hope that you are fine, my friend tonight I sent the results of a bug photographer hopefully my friend would like to thank you


Best picture my senior friend

I’d rather have one really good lemon like that than a ton of bad ones :)!

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Lemon is great for health because it contains lots of vitamin C, it is suitable for people who want to lose weight.

Lemon ia very important for health, because this fruit have many vitamin.

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