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RE: Feel the fear and do it anyway - at least once

in #photography5 years ago

absolutely necessary.You are a braver person than I ever could be @tattoodjay and I admire your strength at facing and overcoming your fears. Given the same situation you experienced, I would forever pass on getting into a cable car again unless

Some things once seen or experienced cannot be bleached from one's memory no matter how hard one tries.

That being said, I am a firm believer of fate and destiny. When your number is up and it's your time to go, it will happen -- regardless. 💫🙏💫
We all are one heartbeat away from dying.📉

Each of us should live each day to the fullest, forgive often, and never miss an opportunity to tell those you care about you love them.♥️


Well it did take me about 35 Years to get the courage to ride one LOL, I am glad I did but never again LOL

Ohh yes I am a big believer in fate as well Wait till I ever tell you about my lucky calls with airplane flights LOL

and thats good advice to live every day to the full,