Feel the fear and do it anyway - at least once
Let me start with a photo and then get to the story behind this title

Sony A7iii 28mm F4.5 1/60 Sec ISO 400
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This is the Cable car that goes across from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island, infact this shot is taken at Roosevelt Island side, but I wanted to start with a photo of the tram/ Cable car.
These shots were taken back in April, but I have put off doing a post till now, so let me start back in 1983 and why I have a fear of cable cars.
In 1983 I was inthe New Zeland Army and on an exercise in Singapore and Malaysia, which at the end of the exercise we had some free time to explore a little bit of Singapore, which included a planned visit to Sentosa Island, and me and a couple of friends were inthe queue to ride the cable car across to Sentosa Island, when some ignorant tourists barge din front of us as we were just about to board the cable car.
One of us got very irate with this and rather than getting into an argument the rest of us decided to pull out of the queue and walk it off, and then get back inthe queue.
As it happened we were very lucky that the pushed in front of us, as only a few minutes later an oil rig which was being towed away from the wharf became entangled with the cable causing it to snap, two of the cable cars dropped 55 Metres ( 180 ft) killing seven people, I cannot say for certain but we felt with the timing, it could have been the car we were about to get on that crashed.
Since that time I had never ridden a cable car since then, I had tried a few times, including visiting the station in Manhattan numerous times but then chickening out and turning away, well come April this year I decided I had to feel the fear and do it anyway.
Now I did take a couple of photos of the cable car before boarding it, but they came out blurry probably because, I without knowing it was trembling in fear.
But this time I actually got on the cable car as this next shot shows.

Sony A7iii 44mm F4.5 1/400 Sec ISO 100
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that shot was while the cabel car was still in ht eplatform, and this next one, as it started to rise up the cable

Sony A7iii 44mm F4.5 1/400 Sec ISO 100
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And that was all the shots I took with my camera on the ride as it went higher i sat down and was holding on tight to the rails, but still proud of myself for finally ( I thought) overcoming the fear.
And finishing with a shot of the Bright Red RI sign just beside the Roosevelt island station.

Sony A7iii 41mm F4.5 1/800 Sec ISO 100
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And I should add the first and last photo were not taken just after I got off the train, I walked around the Island for a good 45 Minutes calming myself down, and then went back tot he station and got those shots with the plan to ride the cable car back.
Which I did not do, the ride other I was the only one on the cable car, but the time I went to go back there were more riders lined up and on the car, and I just could not ride it back and ended up taking the subway back to Manhattan.
Will I ever ride it again
I can safely say NO, I did it once and am proud of myself for doing it, but never again
And that’s all folks
unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.
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!steemitworldmap 40.761544 lat -73.964651 long Tramway Plaza NYC d3scr
I don't know if I would have done it after such an experience, but you did face your fear and that's great 😊
I would be quite !DERANGED if I didn't give you a !BEER and a !COFFEEA for this $trdo post 😉
YEah I did it but never again LOL
in days of old there was !COFFEEA and !BEER, but no internet of cell phones, nor a !MARLIANS !shop the kids of today would think that was quite !DERANGED
That's not needed - once showing your fear who is the boss is enough, I believe 👍🙂
To give a !DERANGED and a !BEER is an easy and simple way for me to say thank you for being nice, and giving an additional !MARLIANS or !COFFEEA means I thank you even more 😉
Yes thats my theory as well LOL
In little town down a side street is the !DERANGED !shop of the !MARLIANS you can buy cold !BEER and warm !COFFEEA and other things you don't want to know what it is 😉
To give a !BEER is an easy and simple way for me to say thank you for being nice, and giving an additional !MARLIANS or !COFFEEA means I thank you even more, but first I have to go to the !MARLIANS !shop and buy some 😉
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吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @annepink 萍萍 迎着闪电 开着巴士 给您送来
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Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
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吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @hertz300 小Q 在艳阳高照 坐着高铁 给您送来
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Cable car
Depends on the place
Many places are losing money
Because the cost of construction and maintenance is high
But many peoples never sat
They would curious to sit and take a look
That’s very true but this one is very well maintained and was just upgraded very recently so it’s on good shape
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软哥@softmetal独家代言 单身热狗
吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @annepink 萍萍 迎着沙尘暴 骑着拖把 给您送来
Good for you! Facing a fear like that isn’t easy. Once is enough, I suppose. Done is done. 😀
Getting on a mobile death trap on strings is $trdo !DERANGED and deserves a nice cold !BEER
Thanks and yes for me once is enough,
Thanks for the tokens
in days of old there was !COFFEEA and !BEER, but no internet of cell phones, nor a !MARLIANS !shop the kids of today would think that was quite !DERANGED
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Always good to face your fears, even if it is only once! 😉 👍
Yeah I think so
I think you deserve some $trdo
Thanks Kindly
I don't drink !BEER anymore and never have had hot drinks myself,which some may say is !DERANGED but I do share !COFFEEA` now I must pop to the !MARLIANS !shop soon to pick up odds and ends
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吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @xiaoq.sports 小Q 迎着海啸 被浣熊拖着 给您送来
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Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
Facing up to your fears, at least you got that done and dusted with some nice photography. Early bad experience may have stuck with you not realizing it over the years.
Life is strange an outdoor cable car does not affect me, whereas a building with lifts I would rather walk the stairs, fortunately our buildings don't go up as high as the ones in NYC.
Thanks and yes this has stuck with me for years, and indee dit is funny ho different things affect different people
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Nice shots and way to at least face your fears. Cable cars are pretty rare that you can probably get through most of your life now without having to conquer this one. The fact that you were able to face it is awesome though.
Thanks I am kind of proud for finally riding one, but not so much that I would not ride it back LOL
and yes luckily I haven’t had to many or any that I can think of where not riding a cable car stopped me from seeing something all be it if i had to do a good long walk or detour lOL
I can see why you would still be hesitant to want to take a chance. Fear can really dig its claws deep into one's mind. Facing them is an enormous challenge and I am so proud of you for doing so.
Thanks I am happy with myself for finally riding one, not so much for not riding back LOL
At least you met yourself Halfway!!! :-)
Thats a good way to look at it
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Congratulations for overcoming your fear! 👏👏 have a great week ahead!
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Thats good keeping them busy and character building LOL
In little town down a side street is the !DERANGED !shop of the !MARLIANS you can buy cold !BEER and warm !COFFEEA and other things you don't want to know what it is 😉
吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @hertz300 小Q 迎着飓风 开着宝马 给您送来
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Hey @iamraincrystal, here is a little bit of from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
It isn't easy facing our fears, especially as yours was not borne out of nonexistent entities. To have that happen almost in front of my eyes would probably shake me for the rest of my days.
After all, when does on need to ride a cable car? Right? But, I certainly applaud your gumption to put it to rest and I would have been joining you on the subway. For sure. If that had happened to me.
I missed a connecting flight (I know I told you this before) in Dallas, and I was annoyed until I found out the entire plane went down in a field, killing everyone on board. It wasn't a small plane either. Wind sheers. I spent the night in Colorado with a baby, snowed in the airport, no cell phone, and didn't know about the plane until I was picked up the next day. I had no idea my family and close friends were frantically searching for information on this as I should have been on board. Talk about fate. Yes, indeed.
I loved these shots, such a splendid shoot, and the post is awesome. Thanks for sharing that in its entirety.
Have a great day!
YEs I remember that time fate smile don you with that flight, as you know I have had a couple of close calls when it comes to flying, but its never got t me like the cable car did, maybe because I actually saw the cable car crash
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Unwreathing A Beautiful Sunday@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @tattoodjay! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Cable car is enjoyable ride if it is a chance to me once. I excited but i am also feel fear. Congratulations you have done it to ride.
Thanks Cheers
A close brush with death huh? I wonder how many times I have but not realized it. Some may be obvious, some not. We never know when our time comes whether in what manner , peaceful or not, quick or slow.
BTW, I'm not an Insurance salesperson.
YEah and yr right I am sure we all have had very close calls over our lies but not all as obvious as this one for me, we never know when I our will come to an end so should make the most of each an every day
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Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
Holy! I feel So proud of you @tattoodjay That is no small feat you accomplished. ✔❤🙏
Thanks so much even if I couldn’t ride it back at least I did it once lol
Yes! You sure did ❤🙏❤
I have never had any fear of cable cars or of heights, so I can't say I feel your fear... but I can safely say you have not only been very brave to face your fear but also to write and post about it. I might face my fear but certainly would not go public with it! Scaredy cat that I am! Lol... Bravo! :)
That’s the funny thing in other things height does not bother me just cable cars
Thanks for your kind words and support
You're most welcome, JJ! :)
That's just that one incident-related phobia then... that's ok, I think. Bet most people have some similar incident-related phobia or other too!
Have a good day! :)
Ohh yeah I am sure and with all my travels I am lucky this is my only phobia, With the incidents I just missed with aircraft it’s amazing i never got a phobia about flying, Myy wife sure is glad however i do not fly anymore lOL
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Please go to steem-engine.com.You never know what will happen in the next moment. If something doesn’t work right away, it may be a sign - “don’t do it”. Sometimes I take these signs into account.
You are a great fellow that managed to cope with fear. Many cannot do this! :-)
It took a log time and I am proud that I rode it not so much that I did not ride it back but I did it once and I am happy with that
And yes sometimes we have to watch for the signs
Thanks Kindly and Have a great day
Yes, it is important :-)
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absolutely necessary.You are a braver person than I ever could be @tattoodjay and I admire your strength at facing and overcoming your fears. Given the same situation you experienced, I would forever pass on getting into a cable car again unless
Some things once seen or experienced cannot be bleached from one's memory no matter how hard one tries.
That being said, I am a firm believer of fate and destiny. When your number is up and it's your time to go, it will happen -- regardless. 💫🙏💫
We all are one heartbeat away from dying.📉
Each of us should live each day to the fullest, forgive often, and never miss an opportunity to tell those you care about you love them.♥️
Well it did take me about 35 Years to get the courage to ride one LOL, I am glad I did but never again LOL
Ohh yes I am a big believer in fate as well Wait till I ever tell you about my lucky calls with airplane flights LOL
and thats good advice to live every day to the full,