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RE: House Sitting - Rich Versions

in #photography7 years ago

You look lovely and I'm happy to give honest critiques from a professional standpoint of each individual image if you really are interested. I enter my own images into the highest level of competition and hearing the critiques from the panel of judges helps improve ones photography profoundly.

Just one thing to keep in mind, the viewers eye is drawn to the brightest part of the photo (focus and color as well), and other elements such as the curtains or highlights on the legs draw attention from the face.

There are other issues that can be easily corrected such as toning, white balance, cropping, foreshortening and posing issues. Light control is key. And yes Lightroom is an awesome program to work with once you get the hang of it. Definitely shoot in RAW, especially in low light and multiple white balance sources (window and tungsten). You'll never recover blown highlights or deep shadow details from a jpeg.

Keep at it! Looking forward to seeing more of your creativity.