I have been looking around and seeing a lot of outright image theft from other Steemit users. What I have witnessed is very sad to see. You see very talent people working to create art and photography and most of them are making little to nothing on their posts.
Then you see someone else steal the images off of their page, credit them (which does not give you the legal right to use someone's images) and create a new post with one or more images from the same or multiple users and then make $100-$500 on that post. They are profiting from other people's hard work and expenses as very often there are hard costs involved in photoshoots, there sure are in mine.
The is not right, not fair, and unethical. The only exception is if the person obtained permission from original content creator. I have studied U.S. copyright law extensively and to the best of my knowledge this is not legal and if the images are registered with the copyright office the violators are subject to up to $150,000 Punitive Damages per image. Posting to make profit is a commercial use.
Now since I am not a Lawyer and if there is some technical loophole I have missed that would allow this unethical behavior, it is still ripping off the Artist/Creator and is Unethical.
I'm asking people to stop upvoting these kinds of "ripoff posts" that they see and instead go to the page of the Artist/Creator and upvote their work.
Doing that is the only thing that will stop this kind of theft of other peoples work for selfish profit. And better yet downvote it.
I'm not a big fan of downvoting people's work. But downvoting image theft is a good use of the downvote button.
The Whales have the power to stop this with downvotes, kill the payouts and the theft will stop.
Now if you're one of the people doing this you need to obtain written permission to use the image, you should also be either paying them a fee or splitting the payout. What ever you negotiate. That is the ethical way to use someone else's work.
But it's not ethical to steal someone's work, post it and profit from it. Just because you see it on the internet does not mean it's public domain or give your the right to use it especially for profit.
Imagine this... You found a model, set up a shoot, paid the model, paid the Make Up artist and then spent several hours shooting, then retouching.
Then you post your work and make a few dollars. Then later you see your work on someone else's post that never asked you for permission and they are making $90 on your work! How would you feel?
This behavior is also a liability for Steemit itself and I foresee lawsuits coming in the future if this is not policed and stopped. All it will take is one high profile photographer that likes to sue people like David LaChapelle seeing his work stolen and profited from and Steemit will get hit with a lawsuit I guarantee it (Then the court will decided after heavy legal fees.) Then you'll see headlines linking Steemit to Image theft. This is not good for Steemit's image.
Post that are willingly violating copyrights of others (Steemit users or not) should be blocked or have the payout removed or better yet have the payouts given to the person who's work was used without their permission. There should also be a way to report copyright violations easily so it shows Steemit is doing all it can to protect people's copyrights.
This is also exactly why so many artist and photographers are starving. Yet the people stealing it produce nothing of value and get paid.
To The Artists: I will be adding this to all of my posts from now on I suggest you add something similar.
"Copyright Notice: All Images on this and any of my post are copyrighted by me Nico Simon Princely and registered with the U.S. Copyright office. All rights reserved. You DO NOT have permission to use or post any of my images without written consent from me. Do to so is copyright infringement and is subject to $150,000 in statutory damages per occurrence under U.S. Copyright Law. You may resteem the post. "
Support The Artists and Content Creators not the thieves and Steemit please step up to the plate and protect the legit content creators not the thieves.
I spent my time and own money to promote this post so that this would be brought to people's attention for the greater good of the Creators/Artists/Photographers on Steemit and to prevent steemit from getting into legal issues down the road.
I ask that all of you you do your part and stop supporting content thieves and support content creators.
Without that Steemit will just turn into a haven for unethical ripoff posters rather than place for Creative People to get the support they need and deserve and a place for people to come view quality original content, because the content creators will leave or quit.
Please Resteem, and help with paid promotion if you can so more people see this.
Some of my other Recent and Still Active Posts that feature my Digital Photography...
NSPART - Erotic Nude Photoshoot Series featuring "Roxy" Part 3 (NSFW- Erotic Art - Nudity 5 Images )
NSPART - The Girl, The Gun, The Booze in Grainy Black & White - (Implied Nude - No Full Nudity - 3 Images) Another Steemit First Post!
NSPART - A One Off Art Piece in Color and Black & White with with the very Beautiful Nikola Weiterova IFBB Bikini Fitness competitor (Images and Video) - ANOTHER STEEM IT FIRST POST!!!!
NSPART 800 Followers Passed - How following Me Benefits You & Makes You Money - Color and Black & White Images with Lauren (NSFW - Mild Nudity - Part 1) - Another Steemit First!
ANNOUCING WHALESHARES NSFW NUDE/EROTIC ART CONTESTS - Win Whaleshare you can use to get whale votes on your posts! This Week's Theme Black & White Nudes!
Amazing and marvelous picture @nspart. I like it so much. U got two thumbs and Upvoted DONE. View my blog for my latest post (B & W photo).
of course will flag such contents, and also you can let us know on steemit.chat when facing such posts, to make sure they won't get away from it easily
I have been really surprised at which people I've seen doing this at some level. Just citing a source for where they got the copyrighted image is not enough. A registered copyright and notation on an image aren't even needed in the US any more. We now have implied copyright. The @steemcleaners channel on steemit.chat can take your report of any theft you see. They follow up and issue weekly reports on the actions they've taken. We all have to stay on top of this. It comes in waves as Steemit gets waves of new users. But some older Steemians have surprised me, too! Here's to diligence and #steemcleaners!
I just spent a couple days trying to explain the whole "art theft" thing to somebody. Which is good, because they seemed to understand.
Then some jerk came up and acted like I was trying to stifle free speech or something! >:(
I had tried my best to stay calm and rational with the person I was originally explaining it to because I thought they legitamately didn't know any better. But when the other person acted like that, I just boiled over and gave them a rant about it!
I don't like letting myself get carried away like that because it's easy to let myself just become really rude and mean... BUT I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE SOME PEOPLE!
I know exactly how I feel. Some of these people actually feel they have the right to steal other people's work and profit from it or "Share" it, both of which harm the value of the work in many cases and income of the person who spent all of the time and money and put their heart into to it.
When someone steal and shares work people are selling they directly effect their income. On here, they are just profiting from other peoples work and getting money they don't deserve. They need to either split with a revshare the payout or pay a license fee to be fair and ethical.
Newbies, I can understand, because the idea of sharing art being "theft" isn't always an obvious concept to grasp.
Heck, I remember when I was a newbie on deviantART, I took a picture I really liked, colored it, and showed it to the person who drew the original. Needless to say, they weren't happy lol.
But I took the picture down and promised not to do it again, and we actually hung out a bit.
It just goes to show that if you respect content creators, things can go just fine.
But. There aren't many things that make me madder. Then when people disregard the BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS that go into something because they think they have some abstract "right" to just throw it around wherever they please!
Whenever I see art theft, normally I just tell the original creator and let them chew them out. But I'd really hate to give Steemit a bad rap =.=;
Imagine finding out somebody not only reposted your picture, but MADE MONEY FROM IT! Well you said that happened to you, but for somebody not familiar with Steemit?
It would be like finding out somebody used your picture to sell stuff on Cafe Press!
I have seen people on Tumblr #signalboost that stuff inTO OBLIVION, people could get the idea that Steemit is some scammy art theft site!
That being said, if artists are directly contacted, and people offer to split the rewards with a post featuring the artwork with the artist as a way to learn how the site works... That could be a great way to explain the site to people who might wanna join! ^-^)
I just realized this comment is really long I am so sorry, oh my gosh--
Its just way too easy to start ranting about this sort of thing... ._.);
Don't be sorry it's a good conversation. I know it upsets me too not only with my work but seeing it happen to others almost as much.
People need to ask for permission and what they negotiate with the Creator is between the two of them. Some people don't want anything, some people do. But that's the Creators choice.
It upsets me because making a living as a artist and photographer has been the hardest way to make money I have ever experienced. I have sacrificed a lot to keep doing it. And then someone else thinks that should be able to profit from my work that I have sacrificed to keep doing and spend hours and hours and money creating... Is just ridiculous.
It's been my experience is people with that mentality create nothing, which is why they don't respect those that do most of the time. They should create their own work and then see how the feel about giving it away for free or being ripped off.
THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. Thank you for posting this!
Did you see my posts about this exact topic? I know you were in the same channel the other day where I was discussing it. I am trying to get photographers some Steem, some money, and recognition. If you want to help out, you can see:
where I offer a solution and a signup bonus for artists. There, you will find out about the project where I talk about ridding Steem of picture bandits and stock photography!
Actually I did and I'm glad to see you and others working toward this goal also.
After two days suspected this much, when in doubt I look at the rest of their posts, or don't vote at all until certain. I work hard on what I do and find it unfair that other's make triple of what I do by robbing someone else and taking credit. I left Facebook and even a commision, because of these kind of practices, it's insulting.
i couldn't agree more followed and shared
Ok, if you see my hdr frog in somebody else's post, let me know...
I KNOW! Let's just use huge watermarks ;)
Actually I do use use huge watermarks sometimes...lol People use to criticize me for it, but guess what no matter how many people see or love a photo if they don't know I shot it it has no value to me. And then people started telling me I know your work I have seen it before if it was not for your watermark I'd have never known it was yours.
Great post im no photograher but use my phone as camera like in my last post. I agree 100% with you because I read all my followers post even the fact that I can not always upvote and sometimes it feels if you have seen some of the pictures elsewhere.
You know what? There can be blockchain system that counts the original author and gives him what he deserved whenever his picture is voted in any posts. This would be fair. Also we should give some money for someone who posted so there will be win-win situation for the both parties.
This idea should be disscussed and i think there is a way to implement such scheme on steemit.
The would be awesome and a win-win situation for everyone at least of the Copyright Holder is on Steemit.
Especially it can be usefull for the young creators. When you have no name and followers and your artwork would be published in a blog with a good auditory it can make you good money without long process of getting known. It's like to be printed in a famous magazine. And surely it's good for the mature authors that are good target for stealers.
There can be a system that will be able to track on what sites your photos has been posted and to decide to show it or not. If photo have not been paid there will be just a black placeholder insted of photo or something like that.
Copyright law is unethical so demanding people to follow it is also unethical.
Culture is and has always been built by using stuff that others have made. Remixing is the normal way to humans to act.
Bullshit! It protects the creators of the work otherwise they would not be able to make a living and they would stop. That argument is always said by the non-creators and those that lack any actual talent or ability and thieves.
If free copying would discourage the creation of new culture in its all forms, we should have seen the effects by now. Pretty much everything is available in the internet for free and if people don't want or care, they don't need to pay for content creators.
What has happened? Instead of stopping the creation of new art, we have seen a huge explosion of new art. There is so much new stuff coming out that people don't have time to enjoy it all even if they wanted. That's also a big reason for artists having difficulties to make money – the competition is really hard. There is just so much possibilities for consumers to spend their money on.
The utilitarian argument for copyright is completely false.
That's because you don't support yourself from what you create. You're argument is the justification thieves use, plain and simple.
When Rent, Equipment, Food, Training, Gas, Clothes and all other things are free only then should content be free.
And you're argument is wrong. The Adult industry used to be a place where the small guy could make a living, due to piracy and tube sites that is no longer the case. Now only the big players have a chance to make any money unless you go into to it with $100K because of all of the free porn on tube sites and filesharing. The only thing one or two people can do is cam as the live interaction can not be pirated.
This has also hit other industries where content is pirated or given away too freely. Sharing and Piracy also takes money out of the economy. I know I had a $100K a year business that got wiped out largely due to piracy and I have a friend that had a small software company go from successful to barely breaking even, which means jobs get cut people lose their jobs.
End of discussion.
This argument doesn't have anything to do with me personally. It stands on its own, whether or not I'm doing something.
No, it doesn't. There is more money than ever available for all kinds of content and culture stuff.
Availability of free copies might make it harder for certain businesses to run profitably, but that is not an argument for the copyright law. It's just bad business practice, and like in any other industry, if you do bad business, you don't make any profit and that's your fault.
You are not entitled to any of this.
The whole economy works much better when inefficient companies go out of business and let better companies take their place.
Copyright law is biased towards large corporations, BUT, there have been a number of high profile cases where copyright law was successfully used to protect an individual freelancer. The case I am thinking of was where a news corporation ripped off a photographer's image for their story.
Yes, innovation does come from copying and modifying, but original content creators do need protection.
I'm in agreement with @nspart.
That's all? That's not much when compared the war against culture that the copyright mafia is waging. People are thrown into jail for sharing a few songs or a movie online. There is massive assault on privacy when different authorities are spying people for how they use internet.
Copyright has huge cost on the society. And what we get in exchange? A few freelancers can prevent a news site using their photos in the news? It's really bad deal from the perspective of a normal citizen.
What you need to do is to look at the bigger picture. What are the costs and benefits of copyright law. You'll see pretty quickly that costs outweight benefits without a doubt. Very few people benefit from it while most of the society and culture suffers.
I've had my work stolen several times. in early 2011, I saw a painting of a portrait I photographed for a person and it was in a gallery being sold for $2k. Even though the odds of me finding it in a Detroit gallery was a shot in the dark, the artist admitted that he used my portrait as a reference. Luckily I don't really get too emotional over stuff like that and I personally find it a bit flattering.
However, I knew that the painting was an artistic representation and it looked like there was hours of work done to it. It was sold to a private buyer due to the little red dot next to it. I asked to at least mention the name of the Photographer that inspired him to make a portrait of.
That was a very mature way to handle that. Well done.
Now, did it get you any extra business?
I don't think the painting got me extra business. But a little positive word of mouth goes a long way!
I would have sued him. I don't fuck around.
LOL! True dat @nspart! Back then- I was still a little green. The few other times afterward, I took a much more abrasive approach. One person used a shot for a personal blog without siting me. I gave them a kind warning and instructions on how to give me credit with a link to my website. They corrected it. The other used one of my images for a magazine with no permission. He I had to hunt down and ask for compensation because the magazine was already sold in newsstands.That one was a bit ugly. The more recent one is someone trying to use my images for their headshot website and they ended up shutting down the whole operation and paid fines and legal fees. I don't fuck around ether. It really depends on my mood. HAHAHA!
I agree it does depend on your mood lol and if they comply or not. I have had people give me all of their profits as a licensing fee to settle rather than sue before also.
i love that attitude
Great attitude nebcat.
Thank you. I saw it differently because the painting was actually beautiful. I was in awe. The face and composition was all me. The rest was something out of a fantasy illustration by Boris Vallejo. I wish I had my camera or a camera phone that day. At the time I thought the painter was the greater artist. Also I didn't want to cause trouble, especially in Detroit!
It's a good idea for users to post a note with there name hand written with any of there artwork photos. I see many users do and I will myself will soon as I post some art :)
@nspart I hadn't given it much thought until I read your post. I have many original photos I was thinking of posting here @steemit guess I'll have to rethink that as I certainly cannot afford to copyright my work. Can it not be legally implied that anything original posted here is protected.
Perhaps a committee to see that some of those funds awarded to abusers are transferred to any injured parties. I expect the same applies to adding links from youtube, google images, pinterest and the like?
Thank you for the eye opening and thought provoking post. I feel for you.
~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~
Steemit is still in the beginning so there are more challenges to come, people should respect the rght of others and understand how much time and effort it takes to creat original content !!
It's like that on all the big social networks. On Youtube / Facebook / Twitter.
If the content copied brings the world it is also good for small creators because there will be more money to be made.
On the other hand if the small creator stays between them in a small community they will have no chance of earning a lot of money one day.
Isn't that why we have things like resteems, reblogs, shares, etc.?
I was kinda wondering the same thing @giuato. I've been seeing a lot of talk about "copyright," content, but I was wondering if some are confusing "resteems," with stealing content? I sometimes resteem posts that I think have a lot of value, just because I believe they deserve more attention, no other reason.
Resteems are great for displaying the artists original work, but what if your post is a spotlight 'this is the top ten pictures of "x" on Steem this week'? In that example, you'll probably get a reply fairly quickly from the original artists, but if it weren't a post about steem art how long will they leave you hanging? Is their art no longer deserving of being included just because they're a prick that week? Maybe they were sick.
My point is that there are community guidelines and unspoken rules of thumb that create a grey area. Strictly adhering to US copyright law on an international community is incredibly short sighted, and the community needs some custom guidelines.
I'm sure we'll get there.
You have to accept that most people do not care about copyright (even TV) and that Steemit needs to attract millions of people if you want your currency to take on value and also be able to earn a lot more Money to tallentuous creators.
Some amateur creators will never attract crowds.
No I don't have to accept that. I sue people over that. This is why youtube takes down videos. This is not good for Steemit. What is good, is for Steemit to attract quality artist and content creators, then it will be know as a place of quality and no one will be able to rival it. If it's just as lame as Twitter or FB what good is that?
U want a Steemit like Vimeo/Deviantart, not very popular.
Money come with user. If u dont want lot of User, artist never get ton of money.
U want ultra strict Steemit without money.. Great vision
How do you recognize if a post is using someone else's photos or content? I mainly use my own pictures and, (what some might call, "art.") When I make videos I use a free share site for music, and list it either in the video or in the description. Some photos can't be traced back to any original artist, like pictures on gify, (where many pictures are taken from news stories and movies and made into funny gifs. If it's a big issue, maybe some user guidelines might be helpful?
I certainly don't want to profit off of anyone's work. I barely profit off my own stuff, which isn't a big deal because I love to share my greatest interests, and having others read it or watch a video is pretty cool to me. Anyway. This is a good post nspart.
All photos have a copyright. So you either ask permission or your find Stock Photos. Some are free some you have to pay to use.
But you can't just take a credit. When you embed a youtube video that's different because they get more view and paid for them in some cases.
But copying and pasting peoples content is different.
I personally haven't seen that done. Well, maybe once, I saw one poster jump on another poster for content, but I didn't investigate it.
I do get the issues involved. A lot of struggling artists out there.
That's not the same thing. People on FB and twitter are sharing posts. And not profiting. It's totally different on here where people are profiting and the creators rarely even get clicked though to.
And people are getting sued on Instagram now for monetizing other peoples work without permission.
People should not be upvoting content theft.
Ppl on Facebook/Twitter/Youtube which copies content from just about everywhere on the contrary gain a lot of money thanks to the sponsored post, the publicity it can offer thanks to their audience etc ... Steemit needs content that pleases to the mass to become very Popular and thus bring more money into the network.
The original posts are fine but will never attract enough people to make steemit popular. We need the best internet content to attract people. + User = + vote + money and therefore + gains for creators.
It's a win-win situation for everyone.
Well I understand the frustration of an artist who does not earn his life properly but not everyone can live from his passion. This is not a reason to go to war with those who share content found on the internet, we need them.
If you steal all the viral content from Steemit, you kill Steemit.
Sorry but you're wrong. And have the same mentality as the thieves. It's not a win-win situation when one person profits from others hard work and the creator gets nothing. And exposure is Bullshit unless it it brings you money.
If your creations do not bring you anything, it might be time to question your buisness model
That's not what this is about.
If a person is profiting from some else work without their permission it's wrong and illegal.
End of Discussion.
While the people on Facebook and Twitter aren't profiting, you better believe Facebook and Twitter are! Funny how no small time creators are suing them for the ad revenue and marketing data they get when people post their images.
Thank you for sharing. More people need to see this. I hope that I don't see my own work on somebody else's page.
hopely someone who has the power will yake action in stopping that. i know it cost much to get a good shot. hopely this will stop, so that the site will long last, and no one are getting into trouble.
great post :) theft is terrible and rampant! And happens all too often...
But please check out my photo blog @mollywarhol — all original work, my very own :)
Great Post! This is an important topic to discuss considering the power of an upvote on Steem. There is the issue of original content creators intentionally placing their images into the public domain. Those images will not likely be protected by copyright laws. Additionally, you have the issues of distribution and intent. There are many more facets that a judge may consider, but those three are the big ones. That being said, the photography you've presented appears protected as long as you haven't posted on a platform that was considered public domain. Also, it's important for content creators to remember that they have the capacity to ask for their work to be taken down if the they haven't been paid for the right to use it. That's likely the first thing a lawyer would do for you, they'd just charge you for it.
Surely there is someone out there working out some sort of cryptographic/steganographic solution? We've been waiting for this technology to catch up as this is a problem through all creative fields .. ideally some sort of embedded verifiable trackable tag/metadata that automatically 'pays' the creator whenever the work is reference/shared/used
That's a great idea. It should be totally possible with blockchains for the tracing. It could be so subtle in the image. But it does seem like it would be easy to corrupt if people started adding their own cryptocode to any image.
You're 100% right about this. Steemit definitely has some issues to figure out and this could be a big one.
Bit sad but no surprise people would do that on purpose.
It was pointed out to me that it is the obligation of the copyright holder to enforce their claim. Due to the nature of automatic copyright protection, it is up to the owner to decide what they believe is infringement and enforce it. As I understand it (in the real world) I cannot pursue "copyright" infringement on behalf of another person or entity unless they assign me that right.
When I come across images that may be copyrighted or found elsewhere I focus on the 'plagiarism' aspect of the problem. Many times this is enough of a reason for the community to remove (flag or unvote) the payout from a post.
If you are the creator of something that has been used without permission please report it. If someone is taking credit for someone else's work found elsewhere on the web, please report that too.
That is correct it is up to the copyright owner to pursue legal action or send a Notice, sadly the don't always know it's happening. Which is why I'm asking people to not vote on posts like that.
I really hope more users like yourself will spread awareness on responsible voting.
It is depressing to start my evening to find new users with accounts less than a day old with several posts of nothing but stolen content. It's even more depressing to see $$$ votes.
Well said! It's so discouraging to post your best photos, stories, etc. and see generic text and photos getting hundreds more votes. It's one of the issues having followers creates.
The other issue is bots infesting comments. If it becomes too common comments will get dismissed and discussion will suffer.
This is a very interesting thought that surrounds us all in this community where the creativity and originality of each member of the steemit community is monetized. Congratulations very good analysis.
This is a very interesting thought that surrounds us all in this community where the creativity and originality of each member of the steemit community is monetized. Congratulations very good analysis.
Someone who makes a living exploiting women complaining about morality. I'm dying.
Yeah man! Isn't right! They have no right to steal someone else's job!
Thanks for your post @nspart. I've noticed this too. I've actually fallen for the bait and upvoted a post only to later realize the poster did not create the actual content themselves.
Perhaps people should downvote them. I remember a year ago people got downvoted like crazy for not even citing sources of CC0 images.
Love your work!
superb photography. truly inspiring. i m a avid traveller and into travel photography
@nspart , please how do you promote an article such as this one. thanks
You use the "Promote" Button on the bottom right of the post above the social sharing links.
It is rally important topic but unfortunatelly it is very difficult to protect works after they were published.
You're right! It's a verry important topic and I hope the people who do that will read this!
I hope my photos won't be used like that!
HERE HERE. How do you downvote if you think somethings been stolen? @nspart
I've seen that a lot on this platform even as a newbie and I definitely won't upvote those posts.
Good one. I don't think that people would care much and would still steal, however a good solution would indeed be to split the earning of the post and of course acknowledge the artist, as it would create a win win situation.
I wonder if Steemit can take any action into this subject, and make somehow illegal the sharing without splitting the profit.