The case I am thinking of was where a news corporation ripped off a photographer's image for their story.
That's all? That's not much when compared the war against culture that the copyright mafia is waging. People are thrown into jail for sharing a few songs or a movie online. There is massive assault on privacy when different authorities are spying people for how they use internet.
Copyright has huge cost on the society. And what we get in exchange? A few freelancers can prevent a news site using their photos in the news? It's really bad deal from the perspective of a normal citizen.
What you need to do is to look at the bigger picture. What are the costs and benefits of copyright law. You'll see pretty quickly that costs outweight benefits without a doubt. Very few people benefit from it while most of the society and culture suffers.
@samupaha I get where you are coming from, that is where I prefaced my comment, saying that copyright law is biased towards large corporations with deep pockets.
But, no, that is not all. There are many other smaller cases, some that I know of personally where friends used said laws to protect their work. Your comment leads me to believe that you do not make a living from your creative work.
Protection is needed, but not the biased extremes the media corporations are pushing.
I don't think you understand this. You look this only from the perspective of small scale freelancers and forget everybody else.
I look at this from the perspective of the whole society. We just don't need copyright, it creates much more harm than good for the whole society.