Week 9 was another amazing week with some incredible entries!
really enjoys plants and animals, so what better photography contest could I run than one where others get to photograph plants and animals together, in some combination photography?It should be apparent that @papa-pepper
Before I get into who won the contest last week, I’ll quickly review what I am looking for by featuring some photos of mine. As you can see in the cover photo, I combined a butterfly with some flowers.
First off, by combination photography I mean that you should combine two elements; plants and animals. At least one plant and at least one animal should be featured in your photo. Here are two examples.

Besides simply providing the images, I also require that those entering this contest provide a proof photo as well. Two main versions of proof photos exist. One kind features the same combination of plants & animals with a written paper in the photo with your username, the date, contest name, etc. to prove that you took the photo for the contest.
The other type of proof is just a selfie with the animal and plant. Here are my examples for the photos featured above.
Once you see the proof photos there should not be any doubt in your mind that I actually took the photos I shared above.
As always, this was tough for me, but I have finally made my decisions. The Winner gets 50% of the liquid post payout from the Week Nine Post and the two runner ups each get 25% of the same.

15.50 SBD

7.75 SBD

7.75 SBD
Obviously, there were many, many more excellent photos, but I had to pick the top three. By way of reminder, though the official way to enter this contest is by including your entry photo and the proof photo in a reply to my post, I strongly encourage others to make an actual post featuring their entry as well.
Link here.Even if you do not win the contest, you could still get something for your effort if you turn it into a post as well. @Matthewtiii once hit the jackpot on a post about his contest entry. His post paid out at over $200 total while he has trying to win 5 STEEM, LOL!
For WEEK 10, I am having a special prize for the winner. I was thinking that maybe someone would like something like this:
Please do your very best this week, you may just hit the jackpot!
By now you should have a clue about what this contest is and how to enter, but here are the official rules just to make sure. Enjoy, and I am looking forward to seeing what you can come up with.
- Photo entries must be placed in the reply/comment section of this post.
- Submissions may also be made into posts, but it is not necessary.
- A proof photo will also be required. This can be in the form of a selfie with the subjects from the photos or in the form of your username written on a piece of paper in a photo, etc. Basically, you must prove the originality of your work. Therefore, your entry comment should include two photos.
- Users have between now and the time of the post payout to enter this contest.
- I will personally select one winner to award half of the liquid SBD payout from this post to and two runner ups who will each get 25% of the same.
- Enter as many times as you like!
- Depending on the interest in this contest, I may have it be ongoing.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure to include both your entry photo and proof photo in your reply.
If you reply to this post with a photo of a plant and animal together and include a proof photo before the post payout from this post, you may win a portion of the post payout.
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
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I like the last photo. It seems that taking a shot at this angle is a bit scary but it works! It seems like the real intention of the photographer is well-accomplished.
Thank you
i like photographer man
At the NOLA Aquarium
And me being delighted after two budgies land on my head! Laughing so hard it was difficult to get the selfie!
Thank you so much @papa-pepper
Yeah man! You're welcome!
👍 congratulation !
Thank you
amazing dear @papa-pepper you presented your post in a unique style. photos are interesting too much.
I'm working on a post about this now (cause isn't the story half the fun?)... But wanted to make sure I got in. 😀
I've been taking pictures of EVERYTHING for the past week. And finally got a snooty deer to stick her tongue out at me!😆
Here's my OFFICIAL Entry:

And proof it was me (it was SUPER sunny!).

Here's my entry. This was a bit of a challenge. Deer with Yucca, Pinion and various succulents

And here's my proof.

I made a post with some more of the pics I took. Check it out!
Fearless Deer, my Dear
This photograph has SEVERAL failed attempts behind the scene. :’)
Your dog is looking like
"I can't believe she made me put pepper on my head. Can you believe it pepper!. I hope my crush doesn't see this photo"
😂 😂
Thank you for sharingNice post @papa-pepper
Please include a proof photo in your reply here to make a valid entry.
it's so hard to make a picture together, but it's my photo @papa-pepper
Hi @papa-pepper, this is my first entry hopefully you like it
Please include a proof photo in your reply here to make a valid entry.
This is my original photo, Taken by using Canon A3200 IS Camera
Date taken :08/07/2017 10:07
Taken by Canon Powershot A3200 IS Camera
Dimesion 625x469
This is beautiful!
Thank you @tojukaka, Regard from Aceh,Indonesia.
I guess I've been waiting eagerly for this weeks combination photography contest to start. Lol
A great contest @papa-pepper. Congratulation for the winners.
Congratulations.... @papa-pepper
Very awesome photo's
[email protected]
Hmmm... maybe I'll go for a morning walk and catch the deer before they get up and moving. Thanks!
Might want to. Good prize this week!
There were no deer in sight this morning, but I saw several piles of fresh bear poo. So I was walking around in the woods alone, drinking my coffee, hoping I could find a bear to take a cute selfie with...
It's probably best that I didn't find one.
this is a very interesting contest.
if I can still follow this race @papa-pepper.
As we get down below freezing at night here in northeast Kansas, it is lovely to see such vibrant photos! Thanks @papa-pepper for the contest. It's great to see so many that love the out-of-doors!
Please include a proof photo in your reply here to make a valid entry.
I took it by using the camera cannon A320is. location shooting in the hinterland of north aceh, indonesia
Cool Eagle :)
Taken by Asus Zenfone 2 ZE500CL
vary vary nice
My first entry @papa-pepper photo combination..
Hi @papa-pepper here is my first entry into your contest
@phunke where is this place?
Hi @tojukaka thats the nigerian lekki conservation
You sure do have a lot of snakes and lizards and other critters where you live @papa-pepper . Here not so much it is too damn cold.
Ohh gotta get busy looking for some animals. I usually don't see these contests until they are over so I'm on it. xD
..heres my entry

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This is my favorite hamster "Roma"
Shhh! Don't tell the other hamsters!
This is my submit to this great contest I was unable to retrieved some of the awesome pictures in the last adventure in the forest but thank goodness I used my Samsung Phone to took some as well I think the pictures quality can't be compare with phone camera but SDcard corrupted.
Below are the two pictures am submitting to your contest plus proof picture.
Image 1
Image 2

Image 3 : proof of authentic of my shots

Link to my post.
https://steemit.com/@davidad Thank @papa-pepper for bring this competition on.
I’m hoping I can enter! My photo isn’t stellar - can you see the praying mantis? But I love your contests!

Here is my entry for the combination photography contest week 10!
On Point!
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Here's my proof photo!

I hope I am not to late to enter! Here is my entry for the Combination Photography Contest:
Here is the proof:
This sinister looking being has been lurking for some days now...

That is a great capture!
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it!