Fast, secretive, and potentially fatal, this Black Widow Spider was a little difficult to photograph.
All it wanted to do was run away and hide. I did get a few good photos though. Some are when it was curled up in a ball as a defense mechanism. Others were after it ran through some sand and got dirty. But, without getting bit, I captured it "on film."
This one was found down on our land in a pile of rocks by our oldest boy, Monster Truck the Pepper! He immediately recognized it and notified me. It sure makes me glad that we train them properly.
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
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Great shots. I’ve never seen a black widow before. I’ve come across a few red backs when visiting relatives in Australia but that’s about it. It’s a beautiful creature though.
Those can be dangerous too!
now this is getting scary.... really don't like spiders but the black widow really freaks me out.
love your adventures
It always seems to be an adventure!
I suddenly feel non-existent spiders crawling on my body.
Good shots
Its poisinous right?
Oh yes it is!!!!
Venomous actually. Poisonous is when you eat something and get sick or die from it. Venomous is when it bites you and makes you sick.
To be specific.... XD
Wow, thanks for the correction
Love to learn
Good help! Thanks!
A post like this should start with ... 'Don't try this at home'. WOW!!! Makes my post about spiders seem like a post about stuffed bunny's LMAO
Perhaps this post should have too:
I did get some good photos that way though...
Holy !%*$ That would really scare the $h1t out of me.
It's either that or buy a camera with zoom. Which would you choose?
I'm a zoom kinda guy, when it comes to situations like that. Did you see my animal pictures? Taken at a safe distance ;-)
i am dead
Holy crap, be careful dude lol.
Which camera do you use? You take really good photos
Great camera, I'll have to sell a kidney to buy a similar one
These photos are as close as I ever want to get to one of these.
Yikes. They're great for pictures but not the kind of spider I like to find near home. I've found 2 recently (both female), and one of them was at an elementary school playground.
What did you end up doing with her?
Nothing so far, I have only photographed it. I do not have enough yet to juggle them.
You captured some really good shots, A Black-Widow bite is very painful so be careful. Thanks for sharing the great photos.
I'll try to be careful! Thanks.
Beautiful spider 🕷 great captures too!
Thank you.
Eeek! I don't like spiders as I was once bitten by a red back (also potentially lethal). Great photos.

Thank you!
Glad I don't have them here. A side note. I got the seeds you sent. Thank again. I'll look at them this weekend. Sence it will be 70 degrees! I have one last tomato to ripen. It might have a chance.
Glad to hear that the seeds made it! GREAT!
very good, whether the profit spider monter is not venomous comrades, if venomous comrades be careful, do not get hit sting ,, because the safety is primarily mate ..
VENOMOUS for sure!
yes friends ,, important safety ,,
That is awesome!!! I love the GIF you made that 'twitches'!!! So cool!
I am jealous too because I tried all last year to find some blackwidows in Texas before we moved, and never could!!
I wanted to put the video up on my YouTube channel: anima ex nihilo
along with my Brown Recluse videos... Or even put the two together and video them as the interact...but no luck.
Cool find. Hopefully you squished it afterwards....or relocated it to a very remote location.
Anyway, thanks for sharing!!

And Happy Steem-O-Ween
You want me to mail you one? Lol
Yes...actually... I do i do i do ido...could you?
My middle son would flip out with excitement... He is such a nut like me!!
Those are some great shots man! Those spiders always intrigue me.
Thanks man! You are pretty good at selfies! LOL!
Sory friends help me
Cool Pics & Post!
Spiders I’m ok with but the poisonous ones are a little freaky. Thanks for sharing & Steem On :)
Glad that you still liked it!
She is divinely beautiful! Nature miracle!This lovely lady is not too dangerous for those who do not mate with she! Thank you my friend! 😁😁😍😘😗😙🤗🤗
@papa-pepper this post scares me to look at it, chillbumps and the heeby-jeebys
Great job teaching your son what to look for! Nice shots of the spider too!! :)
Yeah, I like to teach them about the dangers.
You should see what happens at about 4:16 in that video!
well you might have a point. i also like the way ur son was not scared holding the snake. i would have pissed my pants. i like the courage. he will probably grow up to be a courageous man.
i like him
I didn't know they were fast! I assume they are the type that doesn't make webs and just runs around and jumps on their food?
They web. But they can also run and hide.
I am happy you are still alive. @ironshield
This is my favorite photo, it shows how quick these guys are. @ironshield
I tried like crazy to get some good shots. I like those too!
Nope nope nope nope.
Very cool, with the tell-tale red hour-glass insignia on its belly!!!
That's right! On the belly. Thanks!
When I was younger I photographed everything and anything. My main subject was rodeo's, landscapes next but nature always intrigued me. These are some great shots. A few years back all my equipment was stolen and it just took the wind out of my sails. One day I may start again.......THanks for the post, you do great work.....
Steemit can give you a good reason to start again. It's the only reason that I am even capturing shots like this.
well done monster truck the pepper, that is what dads are for, you made a good call.
Thanks again my friend!
What a beauty! Amazing black widow! It reminds me of the billard player named black widow 😊.
Woow :D sick spider!
wow ! nice photography 😉
Whoa! Those are some good pictures of the black widow!
Nice post
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We see black widows quite regularly around our farm. They do a pretty good job of minding their own business, however, we have dealt with a couple "bites". If you apply a mixture of activated charcoal and bentonite clay (combine with water to make a paste) to the bite we have had great success with it healing right up.
I am going to nominate papa-pepper for a bellyrub for the awesome photography he shares with us
They just want to be left alone in the dark, don't they? I really like the photos where the background is blurry. It makes that spider look really fast! Good on Monster Truck the Pepper for knowing his spiders when it counts, too!
Oh oh i think of tarantula at first