My home is undergoing a drastic change. Pray for me, incant and spell as you are inclined. My twelve-year old has entered his messy roomed chrysalis and become a teenager. Dark and wild times ahead. He seems determined to sleep most of the years away, not unlike a caterpillar undergoing metamorphis into a butterfly. Unless he is storming up a mood.
For every task there is a master
For every master there is a time
The caterpillar knows when it is time
Time to relent to the dark
He does not rush
Spins the chrysalis not a moment too soon
With skill he was born to yield
The dark holds the promise of rebirth
From the chrysalis he emerges a butterfly
From crawling to flight
To the sky he was meant to inhabit
The butterfly does not fear his death
As death approaches so does the next generation
From sky to earth to rebirth
Forever serving life
There is no lasting death
Link to the spoken word
No big celebration planned but rather a week of intimate get togethers. We had planned to have a friend over last night, but thanks to Hurricane Ian, our guest was held up in Florida. So that dinner will have to be rescheduled.
It was going to be a combined celebration of both their birthdays; perhaps we will also combine it with Canadian Thanksgiving, which is coming up next weekend.
Wow ... boy did that sneak up on us.
Speaking of celebrations. The firework shots are from this summer and Vancouver's summer celebrations of lights. Got a hundred of them. They do make pretty pictures and some variation in images from the flowers; and so get used to seeing them in my posts for a bit. Until I run out.
We marked W's big day last night with an almost carnivore cake and pizza celebration. Yep ... that's right @geneeverett. Carnivore cake and drum roll ... pizza. I keep threatening to post the recipe for both, but the thing is I am also continually retweaking them. @dswigle has a great recipe for cauliflower pizza. A quick transformation is to substitute the cauliflower with ground chicken.
Later this week, we will host W's dad for another birthday celebration. Take out and a game is the planned. Another cake.
W made out like a magical gangsta where birthday gifts are concerned. Most of them were Harry Potter themed, including a sorting hat.
If you ever find your way into my domicile, be prepared to join a wizarding house.
He is Ravenclaw and I am .. ta ta ta da ... in Slytherin, which makes sense if you see me as a Snape-type figure, willing to go against tribe even, if it is the right thing to do. Been a tough couple years in that way.
Thank god for you, Hivelanders and you similar iconoclastic ways:)
W also got a year's subscription to our edge of the world college sports streaming service. He watched a UBC versus Calgary hockey game while I cooked and baked away in the kitchen. The source of the 'game' option I mentioned.
We took a break before chowing downing and shot some baskets at our local school grounds. I also kicked some air(martial arts) and he played on the playground. It was a beautiful late autumn night. Perfect really.
We came back and replaced all the calories we had burned ... and some ... tucked into the pizza and cake and watched ... by request ... the Great Pumpkin, which is in the public domain up North but not down south.
We finished decorating for the season. Meaning we added some Halloween to our fall knick knacks.
In honour of the coming holidays, let's continue on with the Wisp.
I have begun reading this to W in the morning while he is just waking up. A nice gentle way to rouse the sleeping teen.
The Wisp
Bara walked past rows of dusty volumes stacked on worm-eaten wooden shelves. She didn’t feel like studying just yet. Amy always took ages in Tech and wouldn’t arrive for a while, and so why not do a little reading? Bara picked a random row. Her hand grazed firm backs and metallic embossing. She didn’t have a book in mind. The right one would call out. A tingle, maybe a shock of static, bit at her fingertips. She stopped to see which book her hand had settled upon. Taunting her from the shelf was a worn and frayed edition of the Magician’s Nephew.
Link to audio
An invisible curtain hung, isolating the diners from one another. They ate in an oak-paneled dining room, at a long oak table—a very long, oak table. Three of the four middle leaves were missing. It was still too big for the three of them. Templeton Cavanagh sat at one end with his new wife to his right, his daughter to his left. To Bara, her father felt miles away, her stepmother far too close. There was only one saving grace, a large fall-themed center-piece. Bara slouched and hid her face behind the orange tiger lilies and bright red mums. Courtney shifted so she could see around the flowers.
“Do you like the roast?” she asked.
Bara nodded but said nothing. Her dislike for Courtney only grew when she was in her presence, with her perfectly-coifed hair, pink cashmere sweater set, and matching chiffon scarf. Blah! Courtney always wore pink. Bara never wore pink and not because she was almost a redhead. Pink, she thought, an insipid shade of red. The girl color. Why not just wear a sign that said walk all over me? I’m vulnerable and weak?
Without a doubt, pearls would have suited the cashmere Courtney wore. Bara’s mother always wore pearls. Courtney had chosen a simple locket. It was dark silver, but not actually silver. Maybe iron? Large and heavy, it was clumsy looking on her slender neck. Courtney toyed with the chain and then looked to her husband. He gave her a reassuring smile. She reached below the table. Her hands reappeared with a pale pink box tied with a bright fuchsia ribbon. A little too excitedly, she pushed the box across the table. “I was shopping this afternoon,” she explained. “And I found this wonderful bookstore.”
Bara put down her fork and eyed the box suspiciously. She sighed and removed the lid to reveal a leather-bound edition of the Magician’s Nephew. She knew the story well.
“I hope you like C.S. Lewis.” Courtney chimed happily, sensing her pleasure.
Bara was pleased. Then she remembered how her mother had read the story to her, years ago. No way was she going to accept this book from Courtney, the woman who—as far as Bara was concerned—had broken her family in two. No way!
Courtney was still smiling when Bara thrust the book back across the table again. “I already have a copy,” Bara said brusquely. “Maybe you can get your money back.”
She returned to eating. Courtney rose from the table.
“I’ll see to dessert,” she said and left the room.
Templeton went to scold Bara. She turned to him and he softened. The look in her eyes. She needs more time.
I won’t. Bara broke the rules of her own game. She lifted her hand and reached instead for a copy of the Hideous Strength. It lay a little less mockingly on the same shelf. So there! she retorted to no one but herself. She clasped the book close to her chest and made her way back down the aisle. The Magician’s Nephew stayed snug and untouched on the shelf.
Bara settled into a termite-eaten study carrel and turned on its green reading lamp. A mouthful of coffee and the Hideous Strength was opened to a random page. She landed smack in pursuit of an immortal Merlin.
The coffee wouldn’t be enough. Dreamy blue eyes battled with the written page of C.S. Lewis. A heavy head took on a will of its own and drifted down into the crook of her arm. It felt good there. She gave in and surrendered to dreams.
A mist rolled in. Bara might have fallen into a deeper, dreamless rest, but the soft whistle of rustling paper filled the air. Books, rusty-brown and red, flew from the shelves and performed a strange aerial ballet. They circled around her. She came to her feet and reached out her dream hand. Her fingers grazed a hard cover and soft pages. The book fluttered to the ground and settled on the stone floor soundlessly. A small breeze flipped pages and lifted locks of her hair. Bara reached out for another book but was interrupted by the sound of someone coming down the stairs and passing close by. She looked but saw no one. The wind picked up then and grew thickly scented, floral. It rustled through the alit books. As each was touched by the sickly-smelling zephyr, it dropped with a heavy thud. Eventually the air was empty, the floor littered with open spines and fluttering sheets.
As sometimes happens in a dream, the place and characters changed. She was far from complaining. The dark-haired boy had joined her. They sat on a low stone wall, under the shade of blossoming cherry tree. Pink petals drifted down. A bloom landed in her hair. He plucked the pink from her red-gold locks and held it to the blue sky. The single petal multiplied and darkened. The one cherry blossom became a full red rose. She smiled and took the flower. The dark-haired boy opened his mouth to speak but instead dissolved to mist. The rose petals dropped from the flower head and ignited before disintegrating to ash. Bara sat alone, clutching the dead and now empty bloom.
There was a touch on her shoulder. Perhaps, he’d come back. She turned to look. The stone wall and cherry tree disappeared. Bara was again seated at the study carrel, her head in her arms. No dark-haired boy. Just a dream. But the tap … that had been real. Yes. There was a second and another spark of static. She lifted her head and looked for Amy. No one.
Bara remembered a similar touch, in History class, and just like in History class, there’d been no one there, but someone had definitely touched her this time. She was certain. Then there it was—a bright light and a wisp of silvery white, wafting through the air like a long flowing scarf. The vision disappeared into the stacks, reappearing each time it passed between an aisle, moving incredibly fast. Bara jumped up and ran to where it had last been. She ran to the next row and the next and then retraced her steps. Nothing. The vision had disappeared.
Just down from where she stood, a book stuck out from the shelf. It was in danger of falling to the floor. She went to return it to its proper place but pulled back and stared. The book was the Magician’s Nephew. Someone had come down into the stacks and moved it … and that someone now stood behind her, breathing thick floral-scented breath upon her neck. Bara spun around. Strawberry-blond hair streamed over a large black mouth, a mouth that had consumed its own face. The doppelgänger had returned. There was the thump of a book landing on the floor.
Words and Images are my own.
The Wisp is available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.

Amazing 🔥
And heartwarming and beautiful.
And your writing is eloquent, poetic and still elegantly simple. That's impressive and shows your talent with words very clearly. 👍
Wow, Nicky. That was very kind of you to say:)
All true :)
Happy Birthday to W and congrats on the big 1 3 !! Fun times in store for the both of you lol!!!
Hi @prydefoltz
Gee, 13 is a tricky age isn't it, Happy Birthday to W! It sounds like it was a great celebration and I'm totally down with the idea of carnivore cake!
I love the sorting hat, knowing me, I'd probably also end up in Slytherin. I always liked Prof Snape, he was my favourite apart from Hagrid of course. Your fireworks pics are great, I've tried taking photos of them before and I failed horribly, I didn't know my camera well enough yet.
Your spoken word is beautiful, I will listen to the whole excerpt tonight after all of the shenanigans of the day are done, you have a beautiful voice.
Hi Emma,
I hear you on the fireworks. Same camera and multiple years resulted in nothing but blurs and flares. I just use an old Iphone and it generally poops out at night. I have no idea why these photos turned out. AI ... lol:)
Appreciate the listen later:)
I’ll never forget my 13th birthday my mom and aunts (who weren’t near as cool as u) literally sent his awkward song after happy birthday. I had two friends over and cringed😂 the lyrics were something like “Teenager are you lonely” I forget rest but it was some church song. That popped to mind thinking about that birthday😂.
Halloween decorating 🎃 👻
Much Fun!
Sending the lil dude
happy birthday vibes 🙌
And cheers to u!
Oh goodness ... that song would have been unbearable to a teen, Thank you for the birthdays wishes and props:)
Pryde, pass on my best birthday wishes to W.
I read the extract. The writing has beautiful flow. In places, ethereal. Your narrative writing style is actually quite distinctive so I'm going to re-read it and study the composition and sentence structuring. Nice job.
Thanks so much, Quill. I work at high expression but with economy in words. Supply a few descriptive details that will allow the reader to form strong images but without weighing down the narrative flow with too much description and detail. I don't want parts skipped over because the reader is trying to get to the good stuff. Today's readers are not accustomed to old-school literary writing.
You write (narratively) in what I call "poetic prose" (grammatically and syntactically correct prosaic sentences that utilize poetic devices to augment effect). So do I but we employ different poetic devices. One of the curious things I noticed about your narrative writing is the frequent use of very short "bullet sentences." It creates a "staccato effect" which results in forced pauses ... which is interesting as I've long posited that the "power of poetry" is in the pause. Controlling the pause can dramatically change that way our brains process incoming information. (Incidentally, Hemingway frequently wrote using this staccato technique). And, as is common in poetry, your narrative style frequently appeals to non-auditory sensory stimuli ... visual, olfactory and tactile.
As I read your extract I was consciously aware of, and a bit surprised by, the unusual way my brain was processing what I was reading and it was subtle enough that I had to go back a re-read it to figure out why.
Very interesting craftsmanship. Kudos.
Thank you, Quill. Yes all that is conscious. As are the longer sentences that are found occasionally. A bullet sentence will create a very strong image or feeling within the mind. Give thoughts a chance to catch up. I want the story to be accessible to younger readers with maybe shorter attention spans and varying reading level. It is not meant to be a challenging read or show-offy. LOL.The longer sentences lull or can give a feeling that the story is 'speeding up' or the scene is filling in, depending on whether it is descriptive or narrative.
Whether the sentence is long or short, sparse or poetically descriptive, each word should be deliberate. So, in that way I agree with Hemingway; though with the exception of the Old Man and the Sea and Kilmanjaro, I have found his writing too clinical and lacking in believable characterization and feeling.
That said, the Wisp is meant to be primarily for enjoyment and not an exemplar of my more literary attempts at writing. I do NOT place it on par with Hemingway's works.
Gutter Dog which is in Strays is a homage of sorts to Papa Ernesto and Cuba. The feed back from that is generally very flattering and the suggestion is that it is rather 'literary'.
BTW ... I wouldn't call this my best excerpt from the book. Far from it. I rather struggled to get this segment to something I 'kinda' of like. My favorite segments are hands down when Bara goes into the Slip.
What you consider to be your very best extract ... post it.
Now I'm curious.
You'll have to wait until I get there ... I am posting segments in order. I will mention you when I do, but it is towards the end of the novel.
Always leave them wanting more. 😏
Happy Birthday to W!! Many happy returns as he plunges into this next stage. One never knows just how that is going to go.
A howling good time, woman! ❤️
Carnivore pizza!!! Who knew you could be so... meaty! Do you substitute my cauliflower with ground chicken? You know I am going to have to try it! Everything about this post is lovely, witchy, and rewarding to read. I'm doing a comeback on it a little later. Your posts are so chock full, they need to be ingested a little bit at a time.
Don't you miss @quillfire ? He doesn't bring us flowers anymore.
Le sigh,
Hello @prydefoltz ❤️
Thank you, Beauty. It was a fun day. I do and it works well. Very filling with no cauliflower gas. I chat with @quillfire on twitter still. No worries:)
Steaming it a bit helps but, chicken might be interesting. You and Quill are quite evenly matched in wit.
No worries here. :)
Have an amazing birthday week with the son!
Whhhattt ... I could totally take him. LOL.
I'd put money on you! You are a real tiger!
@dswigle @prydefoltz
Well Denise, I hope it's money you can afford to lose.
How are you, gals? My apologies, it's been a while since I dropped in.
We survived Hurricane Ian but the damage was substantial. That said, nothing compared to what occurred farther south. Katie and I are working on her PhD (Biomedical Sciences) application ... it's hard to imagine ... graduate school already. How time flies. Some of my old mates are in Ukraine and I was asked to join them ... Katie informed me that if I did, so would she. So, needless-to-say, the sword gathers dust above the mantle.
Denise, Pryde and I periodically tag-team on Twitter to beat up on ding-a-lings. And again, needless-to-say, she tends to play the good cop while I ... don't. Yin and Yang. Beauty and the Beast. Despite Ms. Foltz' many charms, however, she did manage to get herself thrown into Twitter jail for a spell. And so, like Thelma and Louise, our Pryde now has a record ... so don't be surprised if she buys a Harley or starts rhyming her poems. Anyway, it's all very ironic. I reduce people to tears and tantrums almost daily (they have a low threshold for crying) and yet have managed to avoid the Big House while Miss Hugs & Kisses gets busted and booked.
Pryde, as you've undoubtedly heard, Elon's back to buying Twitter so I, for one, intend to make the best of this newfound liberty. Indeed, I'm working on an Ode to Ivermectin. Sharpen your pen.
Hello Quill! :) @quillfire
Yes, I was all fussed up that you are over on the Twitter feed and didn't drop in here. I need to lower my expectations. I am still missing Voice and cannot believe what a show they have going on now. I'm betting they change again. I shouldn't say that, I haven't even been over there.
I didn't know that you still had a clean record. I have had Twitter forever, but, don't seem to get anywhere except here and not even that often. Trying harder.
It is more than ironic that Sweet Baby, Pryde got busted while you got around and bustem off. Seems a little unfair, doesn't it?
Ooops! I'll be back. Need to post before midnight!
Busted and booked ... because I say things that are true but also dangerous if more people heard about them. Usually they are content enough to shadow ban me. But then my comment gets opened and all Hades breaks lose. As far as twitter is concerned; I feel they need me more than I need them. Their loss would be HIVE's gain and another poetry forum I sometimes frequent. That said my suspension was very short; it had been lifted before I realized I had been suspended. Sort of like a verdict of guilty but a sentence of time served coming before the trial. Berenson re-instatement has really changed the ability for them to do things like that now. If Elon buys it; we may have free speech on their back almost altogether.
But Quill we should hang here more often ... but be careful with the verbal sparring, me being the hardened twitter convict and rhino like charge:)
Meow ... :)
I like cake!
My mom just visited her brother in Vancouver. I didn't get to go. It's been a looooong time. I probably would have no idea where I am there anymore. Did I tell you I was born there? We had fireworks last night... Haha. Not as nice as yours. Someone decided to light of some sky rockets at one in the morning. The dogs were howling. 🤓 They were super loud. Like bombs.
Vancouver changes so quickly now. Every ten years it is a new city. We should do coffee if you ever come up here again.
I would love to have coffee with you!
Is Stanley park and the big totem poles still there? There's an Old Elvis Costello video with them in it...
Hmmm what else? The Capilano suspension bridge? And totem pole makers? These are things from the 60's! I'm old...
I almost want to go by my Grandparents old house on Sherbrooke. Maybe not a good idea.
I haven't been back since 1984. almost 40 years. Damn
Yep ... the stand-by's are still there and so much more:)
The ferry to Nanaimo? lol. My great grandfather lived over there somewhere. We visited when I was six. He was so English...
The tram to Grouse mountain? Hmmm. I remember going up there too.
Yep ... yep ... all still there.
I would like to see Tofino and people surfing. I'm pretty sure nobody was doing that in the 60's. Maybe a few but they weren't talking about it ;)
Happy Birthday to the Boy! I am imbued with glee to read about yet another teen's state of bedroom. Oy!
Sounds like a fantastic time, at least with the food. Yum! And I can so totally see you as a Slytherin. I'm personally sorted right into Ravenclaw. It's my wit, I'm sure, and clever humour.
Haha ... I'd have though I would be in Ravenclaw too; but I've heard the most powerful wizards tend to land in Slytherin ... including Merlin:)
Well, true, that, about Merlin. He always did have an agenda and knew what to do to get the job done! Easily deceived by the wiles of a woman, however. Some additional wisdom would have served him well. Hopefully you won't fall into the same trap. 😁
Pretty much immune to the charm of women ... lol. Most men too but save a few:)