Alas, to my great chagrin, Voice is not a business but rather an ideological platform. The NFTs are but a pretext for "woke activism" ... and the receipts tell the tale. I presume they are running deep in the red and quickly depleting whatever's left of their original bankroll. They've actually created a quite attractive website and I think it could do well but their business strategy is, in my opinion, suicidal ... appeal to the smallest niche possible while alienating everyone else in the process. Da Vinci himself couldn't get featured on Voice unless he came out as a non-binary black transgender communist. Every nuance is designed to trumpet a Far Left ideological narrative. Practical things, like making their NFTs purchaseable with cryptos, are ignored. And while they seem to have an insatiable appetite for organizing exhibitions in boutique art museums of which no one has ever heard, engaging in traditional marketing initiatives seems out of the question (too "capitalistic" I suppose). Arrrrgh. We wasted so much time on what seems destined to be a dud.
I still have a 100% clean record ... everywhere ... and no one is more surprised than me. Even having turned whale-baiting into an art form on Steemit and Hive, not once did anyone ever downvote one of my posts. For Heaven's sake, what does a guy have to do to get targeted?
And yes, it seems the very definition of injustice that POP (Poor Ol' Pryde) would get thrown into the stocks for seemingly nothing while I galavant about, condescending and offending, like a friggin Sith Lord.
Go figure.