As many of you know I have been busy during the past week with raising awareness and raising funds for Ana Hurtado Aponte who is an 8 month old child from Venezuela. Ana has a brain tumor called craniopharyngioma and is in need of surgery. In the event Ana does not receive brain surgery soon she could lose her ability to see and be mobile. This could be permanent. As with any surgery this is expensive, and with it being surgery on the brain it is more than likely much more expensive. I will share my original post about Ana which I am using to raise funds for Ana's gofundme project. All money earned on that post will be donated to this project. The second link is another post I did showing where I sent funds to the project that were donations that were sent to my wallet. I have received additional funds since then. Please check out these links and thank all of you that have been of support (you will also find a link for Ana's gofundme project in my post:
Now let us move on to more flower photographs. This first photograph is called Lupine. It came up a couple of years ago from a packet of wildflower seeds:
A couple of weeks ago my granddaughter and I went on a road trip to get away. She took a "selfie" with her smart phone and wanted me to share it. We had a great time taking a break from our lives:
Our Petunias are doing well this year. I typically grow them in containers. This year I had them planted for Mother's Day.
This next photograph is of our larger Irises. We mostly have the dark purple. I have some plants that have not bloomed for a few years which I will move later this summer. I believe they are yellow and there may be some light blue ones as well. We have these purple ones growing in numerous patches. These are much larger than our Siberian irises whcih I shared in previous posts.
This final flower is a very small flower which I believe is related to phlox. I posted several photos of this plant last year. It comes up on its own. I hope you enjoy this macro-photo of it:
I hope everyone finds something in this post that they enjoy. I have more flowers beginning to open and continue to take as many photos as I can. I am also busy getting my garden planted. I am making good progress. I will get back to container growing soon.
Even though this is the end of the photographs please continue reading the rest of my post.

I would remind everyone that the issues in Venezuela are far from over. Here are a couple of links for programs in Venezuela that can still use our aid. I plan on adding them as partial beneficiaries to this post (it is not a lot, but every little bit adds up over time):
Here is the link to their latest Fundition drive for Nutritional Screening)
Latest update on purchasing equipment for nutritional screening)!/@aid.venezuela/7kvlw6ot4 (!/@aid.venezuela/30wfgrql0 (As far as I can tell you can still donate to the food for life Fundition initiative) ( (the children seem to be really enjoying building their puppets)!/@arrozymangophoto/z31fxh41j (A new Fundition program building off of first one)
They are providing good documentation of what they are doing through video, photographs, and narrative). Please take the time and check them out.
There are two other programs located in Bangladesh that I have supportive of as well, and both can always use assistance. Each has an important role to play in their community. These programs were founded by @azizbd.
Check all their blogs for more information on the excellent work they have been doing.
There is another user ( that is trying to help Spanish speaking peoples in the Americas. If I am understanding correctly they will also support users who's first language is other than Spanish. In viewing their post there are users from many places that have their posts selected. I have been impressed with the quality of these posts. Take a look for yourself (
Here is a quote from one of their recent post:
The @theunion project was created to reward and contribute to the growth of steemit users, who publish 100% original content, helping us to have greater visibility on the platform, always using the slogan "The Union Makes the Force", whose base is mutual support. When you click on the image, you will access the original publication, then the curated images will be presented on 14/05/19.
Check out their posts at, where they share several post within their post.
I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted. When I use a photo of my game camera I try to make note of it. It is usual of wildlife.

Greetings sir @r2cornell. Glad to see you with your granddaughter. I enjoy the amazing flowers photography and also appreciate your great job to help Ana. Have a nice day sir, God bless you.
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
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Thanks for Resteeming this post 😊
You've not upload any posts last 7 days. So, I Upvote this comment.
Thank you for sharing our photo grandpa. Had a great time. Wonderful photographs again!
Thank you hon!
Very nice flowers, have a great weekend everybody
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Thank you very much.
Your posts makes the weekend lively. You do not just nurture flowers but you also give them a purpose, i like the petunias and its purpose, also dandelions.
Good to see you and your daughter with much smiles. Lovely sir.
Ana will make it fine, so much love to heal her, God is love.
Thanks for sharing sir
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Beautiful flower shots! The first one would be a great entry to my insect photo contest :) Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for being so supportive where it is needed. Great example of how to use our blockchain for some good causes.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Such a beautiful flower sir. Good photography hade been done here . ☺️👍
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Thank you very much.
Thats #amazing @r2cornell . You deserve a lot . Keep it up ...
Thank you
Hi sir @r2cornell
Great collectoon of photos and superb photography. in the first photo of yellow flower bee sitting on it is looking so nice. I am sure you would have waited for long to click this nice shot.
Glad to see you having good time with your granddaughter. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
My mind wanna blowing after looked your photo collection of flowers and especially granddaughter. I every week seen you taken perfect shots. I always appreciate your valuable effort in steemit.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Very beautiful photos of your flowers!
You also have a beautiful and cheerful granddaughter!
Happiness and health to your family!
Thank you very much.
Wow beautiful flowers have a nice day
Thank you
Great shoot

First and final photo shots more adorable.
Your granddaughter so lovely looks with her smile.
Thank you very much.
Fantastic photography sir
You looks good sir
Thank you very much.
Hi Sir.👋
The petunias are beautiful flowers, it was a great shot of the dandelion and the bee, I loved the flower called lupin, it is really beautiful.
It is always very rewarding to spend time with the family.
Thank you @lourdeshd6! Glad you enjoyed the photos
flowers are the power of the nature plus nice to see your grand daughter with you hehe invite her to steem blockchain we are looking for everyone who would like to join us :)
Thank you very much.
@r2cornell, This picture is clearly conveying that both nature and it's creatures need balanced Ecosystem and this Ecosystem can be developed through each other's help. Stay blessed.
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Thank you very much.
That little yellow beauty caught my eye and drew me into your post. Dandelion is such an important plant for so many reasons.
The work you are doing to support this young child is very commendable and much needed in that god forsaken country.
Thank you very much. Dandelions are a misunderstood flower/plant. I recall my mother telling me stories of how growing up during WWII and the Great Depression her family would go out in the Spring and cut dandelion greens to supplement their food. I do add these greens to my salads because of the nutritional value
Thank you for visiting
Same here. There was a recipe book that the government distributed during the war covering wild food sources.
Rationing was severe for many years after the war as you probably know.
We were often given various types of seaweeds too. 😱 Happy days...not!
its always a pleasure to enjoy in the lap of nature around seems so beautiful
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
You are really good photographer.All of this picture was mind blowing but I like the first one most.Collecting honey from flower.In selfi you are looking pretty good with the lady.The last picture has made my day.
Glad you enjoyed. I like taking those macro-photos. This flower is so small, but a macro-shot really brings out its beauty
Carry on and enjoy yoyr time.
Posted using Partiko Android
Beautiful post sir that yellow flower photograph with honey bee Amazing.
I really like this photograph very much.
your selfie with your granddaughter is nice.
Awesome post thanks for share with us.Hello @r2cornell
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Nice pics of flowers. You are looking nice in pic with granddaughter . Namaste .
Thank you very much.
I see that you are looking to help the people of Venezuela, it's good to see that there are people who care about our country in these times of so many shortages. Your photos are all beautiful ... Thank you very much for sharing. :D
Thank you for visiting my post. Glad you like my photographs.
I have met many wonderful people from Venezuela...I cannot help everyone but do what I can. Someday the issues will resolve but the unfortunate part is not seeing an end. I see many Venezuelans helping each other and their communities. That is where I tend to try and be supportive.
Gracias por visitar mi puesto. Me alegra que te gusten mis fotografías.
He conocido a mucha gente maravillosa de Venezuela... no puedo ayudar a todo el mundo, pero hago lo que puedo. Algún día los problemas se resolverán, pero la parte desafortunada no está viendo un final. Veo a muchos venezolanos ayudándose unos a otros y a sus comunidades. Ahí es donde tiendo a tratar de ser comprensivo.
Traducción realizada con el traductor
In any case it is good to see that there is such an intention. Thanks for that :-)
All pics are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us . Namaste .
Thank you very much.
beautiful yellow flowers, good too if planted in pots
Thank you very much.
I really love looking at the photos that you take every Sunday. For some reason it always relaxes me. Thank you for sharing us these photos. All I can say it you're a talented photographer. May you have a great week ahead
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
This last flowers is wonderful.
Thank you very much.
welcome bro
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So many flower here sir @r2cornell. I love all but the special one is first picture and the second, why ? Because you are very lucky to shot the movement object in the bright yellow. And the second very special because the nice background until the object so detail. Blessing
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Hello sir, nice to meet you again. today you display many flower photos. I like everything. what I like best is dandelion flowers. and I'm sure you must be very difficult to take this flower photo shoot. because bees are very difficult to get close. he often flew when someone approached him.
I can see you very clearly from the photo with your granddaughter. Your smile shows that you are very happy. I am sure your life will be full of happiness.
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it! Yes bees do not stay still long. I have another photo I took of two flowers next to each other, and both had a hooney be on them.
Beautiful flowers and each flower is beautiful in its own way. It is very pleasant to look at them. This is a joy for our eyes.
Thank you very much.
Very beautiful flowers. I really like it very much. thank you very much
Thank you very much.
i also reading your previous content about this cute baby. may allah bless him.
Thank you very much. Let us hope Ana gets the medical help she needs.
Wow look at the auto focus on that purple wow it's definitely amazing, I also love the selfie with your daughter, and I'm really glad you're helping Ana.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
brain tumor... 8 month child... pathetic. hope may allah bless him. anyway thanks for share your beautiful photography.
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Thank you for visiting.
wao, I loved all your publication especially because I love flowers, I have published some that I have photographed but I'm not lucky of cultivating them, it is good that you can cultivate them ... I did not know that the dandelion is used for migraine. Last week I had a lot of migraine, but I think it is due to the heat because the area where I live is hot and we have had 30 degrees of temperature on and more. :(
The lupine I saw for the first time here in steemit, a girl published it when I was starting my trip in steemit and I fell in love with those flowers, really beautiful, but here in Venezuela I have never seen them, maybe in another state they are but I have not seen them here. and the irises waaao, I had never seen them. they are very beautiful. You have a large garden, very varied flowers, that is a blessing.
What do you think of the translation? I used the google translator. :)
Translation looks good. I still use it for some but relying on for Spanish. Even then it is not perfect, but it helps us all communicate.
My headache remedy which I came up with for my wife, daughter and granddaughter after my wife had a reaction to the shots. The primary ingredient is Feverfew. I use the dandelion flower, root and leaves by juicing them. The Feverfew I soak in vegetable glycerin for a month or so, shaking a couple times a day. Some people use alcohol, which works better, but I cannot handle alcohol. I also stablize the juice of dandelion with glycerin. I think the final mix is is 75% Feverfew and 25% dandelion juice. It is bitter, but if you can recognize the headache coming on early it works.
Lupines and irises like colder weather.
Glad you enjoyed the flowers.
La traducción se ve bien. Todavía lo uso para algunos, pero confiando en para el español. Incluso entonces no es perfecto, pero nos ayuda a todos a comunicarnos.
Mi remedio del dolor de cabeza que subí para mi esposa, hija y nieta después de que mi esposa tuviera una reacción a los tiros. El ingrediente principal es la Santamaría. Yo uso la flor del diente de león, la raíz y las hojas para exprimirlas. La Santamaría la remojo en glicerina vegetal durante un mes más o menos, agitándola un par de veces al día. Algunas personas consumen alcohol, lo cual funciona mejor, pero yo no puedo manejar el alcohol. También establezco el jugo de diente de león con glicerina. Creo que la mezcla final es 75% de toque de queda y 25% de jugo de diente de león. Es amargo, pero si usted puede reconocer el dolor de cabeza que viene temprano, funciona.
Los lupinos y los lirios son como un clima más frío.
Me alegro de que hayas disfrutado de las flores.
Traducción realizada con el traductor
Good afternoon sir. All your photos are of excellent quality, and the beauty of the flowers is impressive. Especially I got a photo of a dandelion where the bee is working hard. In general, it is, in my opinion, a classic, this photo in detail shows the beautiful nature and life of living beings that are useful to us. Nature generously rewarded mankind with the opportunity to live in harmony with the natural beauty, to obtain the beneficial properties of plants, to strengthen our health. It is even difficult to calculate how many plants, in addition to the beauty of their appearance, also have healing properties. It's really cool. Selfie with her granddaughter turned out beautifully, the photo shows how respectful she is and how she treats you with understanding. People close to us always bring us peace of mind and joy in communication. Thank you very much for the beautiful and informative post. Health to you and your loved ones.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Very beautiful flowers, Sir. I like all flowers. But which flower is the most fragrant, Sir?
Thank you very much.
That luppine looks great.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it! I am going to try and get some additional photos of the Lupines, because the lighting was not quite what I like. They are a beautiful flower.
Wao what a impressive collection of flowers. All flowers looks so wonderful. And the bee doing his work very beautifully on yellow flowers. Flowers gives you fresh air. Purpule flower is my favourite in your photography. Thanks for sharing.@r2cornell.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
... really beautiful and very enjoyable to enjoy. What an amazing moment, sir.
Thank you very much.
very nice photography and amazing flower my dear friend r2cornell
Thank you very much.
@r2cornell, That's excellent photo shots you captured. I really loving to these flowers. Different colors improve our mindset.
Thank you very much.
A right moment, when flowers bloom and bees alight to take honey. I also enjoy beautiful purple flowers.
I hope ana get the best treatment. Like @r2cornell
Thank you very much.
I like lots of flowers, and I see your flowers are very beautiful, does this flower have a good planting method
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beautiful flowers full of bright color charm