Wow, you really outdid yourself on these. As much as I always like your black and white, in this case I definitely prefer the color version.
I like the cold warm contrasts a lot. Although one has to see the photos in full resolution (thank you very much 😘) , so this area to the right doesn't capture the eye too much.
You did great on the skin tones, they come out natural and warm, but not "baked". Beautiful compositions too and of course a gorgeous model ;-)
Left them big, just for you! ❤️
I'm so happy you think I got the skin tone right, it was a challenge for sure! Too yellow, green, orange, red, purple... Took me like two hours just to get that part right, everything was easy after that 😂
To me the bigger size is essential, as a lot looks different, when the image is too small. Everything is more sort of concentrated/compressed and only when you view the photos full screen, everything begins to flow, the colors kind of "relax" and the eye can wander...
Skin tone is really difficult in painting too, even when you want an "artificial" look, like I often do. In oil painting I like the old masters approach to underpaint in (veronese) green, particularly in the shadows... working digital can make it a real challenge, and I can only imagine, how it can drive you nuts, with all the options.
But when you are passionate about something, there is a difference between a challenge you want to take on and a task you are supposed to accomplish. I'm sure those two hours went by like nothing and of course with the happy feeling of mastering what you wanted to do, everything else was a piece of cake!