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RE: Sneaking Through a Back Lawn to Capture a Creepy Broken Down Caretaker's house and Centuries Old Cemetery--(Don't miss the surreal pictures at the end)

in #photography7 years ago

Man old cemetary looks really old and completely forgotten about! Not big or important enough for any heritage councils in the area to care about? Or just inconveniently located?

So was the house whose lawn you scampered over like a naughty child the caretakers' house or just someone lucky enough to have a cemetary in their backyard? Cemetaries are one of those places I can't stay in/near for long periods of time so living too close to one is totally out! XD

I'm kind of surprised and not surprised you missed the gold light, however it is something I would kind of notice because I'm odd like that and if you were busy staring at your focal point and making sure you had everything in the shot that you wanted in the shot it was probably easy enough to overlook. Trying to work out the lighting, is the sky slightly overblown or was it overcast? As the shadows in the gold light photos are trying to tell me the sun was pretty low but if the sky is overcast then I have no idea o_O

I wonder what happened to that cluster that's just gone and fallen down in a pile (or were they put?). I got that weird feeling after reading this and wondered if it's similar to what you felt wandering through XD



Well, I looked around online to see if there was anything about this cemetery or the last one and came up with nada. It seems that unless you live in the area you would never know about them, and in fact I would never have known about this one if not for my friend telling me just recently.
There are no official caretakers (anymore, there was for this one once upon a time) for the old cemeteries like this one, the town keeps them mowed but that's about it. So yeah, just someone 'lucky' enough to have it in their backyard, or in back of their backyard lol.

It was overcast, the sky grey and white, though I did see a patch of light when I took those last two pictures, it just didn't look like that to me more just a patch of light out in front of me, and I didn't realize I was standing in the middle of it. In truth I was standing at the border of the person's backyard by that point and I was in kind of a hurry to get a couple pics of the 'entrance',so I wasn't paying a lot of attention. And actually it was my husband who first uploaded the pictures to his computer and called me over to look at them. They look amazing on his HD PC.

Not sure about the pile, I do think that someone most likely moved them, maybe so they could mow? If they fell that way, it would be exceedingly weird.

I really love that signature!! I need to pop by your page, sorry it's been awhile!