Sneaking Through a Back Lawn to Capture a Creepy Broken Down Caretaker's house and Centuries Old Cemetery--(Don't miss the surreal pictures at the end)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

On Halloween I posted a Ghost story about another centuries old cemetery, but as bad a shape as that one was in, it at least had its own entrance, though no name just like this one.

Even though it's in my hometown, I didn't know this existed until I was talking to a friend about the one from my previous post. There is a way of getting to it through the woods apparently, but I decided to go the simpler route- and since no one was home to ask, I felt like a little kid as I darted the twenty steps across the lawn.

They don't own the cemetery itself, so once on it I could breathe easy..err, well no corporeal person was going to chase me anyway.


This is definitely the kind of place my friends and I would have dared each other to sneak into late at night when we were teens, and yes, I do mean the building too. But before you think too poorly of us, we wouldn't have broken anything, we were strictly snoopers.


There's not much to say until we get near the bottom, that's when things get a bit, well gross, and then odd.













There was a huge amount of inscribing on this stone, more than I'd ever seen on any before it.


And as I got near the bottom a few words were covered up by a rock...


...which I made the big mistake of pulling back to find exactly what you would expect at a cemetery- maggots and other scuttling things which startled me right onto my ass.

A weird feeling began at this moment, though I laughed at myself figuring it was just the cliche of decay. Still, I decided I'd seen enough and headed back the way I'd come.


Taking several more pictures as I went...the gold you see in this, it's the sun, at least it has to be, though I didn't notice as I was taking it.


Or this either.


I did see it finally here, and I've never seen anything quite like it before. I promise you it was pure coincidence (I hope...shiver) that I was smack in the middle of it.


That strange feeling followed me home and lingered for awhile, though I couldn't call it a bad feeling, (not once I got over the heebie jeebies of the maggots and scuttle bugs)

I am endlessly fascinated by cemeteries, but the next one I post will be the polar opposite of this, breathtakingly beautiful. So stay tuned!


Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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Oh this did inspire a creepiness in me. I think all the more because I am familiar with your writing!

Would you go there in the dark? :O)

With liquid courage I would, without it...mmm, if it was a little closer to the road hahaha!!

It is quite astonishing how a lack of light can render a place terrifying!

I know, and I generally pride myself on not being a scaredy cat. I haven't had a fear of the dark since I was around five or six. My mom likes to remind me of how I couldn't sleep without a night light until one day I decided I was going to be fearless and forced myself to sleep in the pitch black. I did it day after day until I actually went the other way and for the longest time I found it hard to sleep with any light making its way into my room.
But this doesn't extend to cemeteries at least not alone ;)

It can be fun when you are with someone. I aint scared of the dark either. Althought, it utterly depends on the circumstances. A cemetart might tip me over the edge! lol

That place certainly would give any kid the heebie jeebies in the dark, that's for sure. Great article, and those last pictures...wheedeee deeee deee, wheee deee deee deeee, nart nart nart. (Hard to spell out that little bit of classic, bygone music of pure B&W terror.)

Hi there!! How have you been? So glad you stopped by, now I'm reminded of a great blog I've been missing :)
Thanks for this, I had another fellow who did not share your sentiment of it being a great anything it would seem :(

The one I put up today is good for a giggle. I will be heading to your place shortly!

Good, I always could use a giggle.

Howdy. Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it muchly.
I've been doing well...finally getting back on here after a semi-long separation. Life stuff sometimes gets in the way. But cranking up the Steemit motor now.
I suppose not everyone sees the same things in life, and interprets it all in their own way. Less of a right/wrong, more of a lens sort of thing. I leave the world open for just about anything of possibility.
I'll go check out your giggles now. Always enjoy a humor infusion any hour or day of the week. Ta for now.

Man old cemetary looks really old and completely forgotten about! Not big or important enough for any heritage councils in the area to care about? Or just inconveniently located?

So was the house whose lawn you scampered over like a naughty child the caretakers' house or just someone lucky enough to have a cemetary in their backyard? Cemetaries are one of those places I can't stay in/near for long periods of time so living too close to one is totally out! XD

I'm kind of surprised and not surprised you missed the gold light, however it is something I would kind of notice because I'm odd like that and if you were busy staring at your focal point and making sure you had everything in the shot that you wanted in the shot it was probably easy enough to overlook. Trying to work out the lighting, is the sky slightly overblown or was it overcast? As the shadows in the gold light photos are trying to tell me the sun was pretty low but if the sky is overcast then I have no idea o_O

I wonder what happened to that cluster that's just gone and fallen down in a pile (or were they put?). I got that weird feeling after reading this and wondered if it's similar to what you felt wandering through XD


Well, I looked around online to see if there was anything about this cemetery or the last one and came up with nada. It seems that unless you live in the area you would never know about them, and in fact I would never have known about this one if not for my friend telling me just recently.
There are no official caretakers (anymore, there was for this one once upon a time) for the old cemeteries like this one, the town keeps them mowed but that's about it. So yeah, just someone 'lucky' enough to have it in their backyard, or in back of their backyard lol.

It was overcast, the sky grey and white, though I did see a patch of light when I took those last two pictures, it just didn't look like that to me more just a patch of light out in front of me, and I didn't realize I was standing in the middle of it. In truth I was standing at the border of the person's backyard by that point and I was in kind of a hurry to get a couple pics of the 'entrance',so I wasn't paying a lot of attention. And actually it was my husband who first uploaded the pictures to his computer and called me over to look at them. They look amazing on his HD PC.

Not sure about the pile, I do think that someone most likely moved them, maybe so they could mow? If they fell that way, it would be exceedingly weird.

I really love that signature!! I need to pop by your page, sorry it's been awhile!

Ohhh That's amazing, wonder what that gold light was :)

Thanks love! No idea, but I really love the way it turned the tree in that second pic into a golden cross:)

I noticed that, very strange. Have you been back :)

Seems creepy, but fun!

Haha, yes, it was at least a mini adventure!

Great post and very nice photos. Thanks

while your photos are ok, i dont find anything creepy there as much as neglected. this is not quite the same. as you didn't incorporate the least bit of data in this or location of cemetery, close up of a headstone with legible clarity, history of the graveyard... i really don't feel as if it deserves an upvote.

I don't see anything in your comment that even suggests it is worthy of being written. In fact why on earth did you bother Are you a contentious sort that trawls about looking for a response? Perhaps she wasnt looking to present a dry factual list of details and instead was portraying a feeling and an emotion derived from her experience.

I felt it.

I had a look at your blog. In your poem of two days ago did

my feet become teutonic plates

Teutonic? As in of the old Germanic people? How peculiar. I think you meant tectonic? As a result I didn't feel it deserved an upvote

I love you. Haha, I just finished responding to that. No worries, I will not be crying into my beer over it ;) (there was no name, or sign, since it didn't even have an!)

Hehe, Love ya back lady :O)

i opened this article because the tags and title [Sneaking Through a Back Lawn to Document a Creepy Broken Down Caretaker's house and Centuries Old Cemetery--(Don't miss the surreal pictures at the end)], suggested something creepy and surreal. neither of those two things are evident. nor did he/she take much effort to document the caretakers house nor really the cemetery. how can you "document" without a bare minimum of facts? the article did not deliver. I do not actually often comment on such. that i do so now speaks for itself.

I think the very act of not voting in itself is enough. I think it is a subjective matter and depends on your expectation of document. Some may expect a plethora of detail... Others, pictures and text that describe the emotions that a person experiences.

Did you mean Tectonic? :O)

meesterboom i did not mean to start some trolling war here. i offered my comments as a reflection to the author because I was disappointed in the quality of the work when drawn in by the title. personally i would have searched out more information. creepy is subjective. quality itself is subjective. i agree on this. peace out.

Peace it is!

agreed. i deserve a fail on that.

Since creepy is obviously quite subjective I'm certainly not going to argue the point. There was no name, no sign--no entrance as I did state, though I will now add the no name part, thanks for pointing that out.
I disagree about the legible headstones, I can read the stones of the fifth and sixth pictures perfectly, as well as one in the last four pictures, though if you are on a small phone that would make a difference since I'm on a laptop.

If the word document is the issue, no problem I will change the word to capture.

Ha, okay, no problem I shall survive your critique and lack of vote. Hope you have a lovely day :)

What a contrast -- obviously somebody is taking care of the place by mowing. And somebody is visiting, putting a new flag on a site. But to let all the headstones fall over in a heap. That's hard to understand. I do know that cemeteries are good places to forage for wild mushrooms, because the trees are often old and so many mushrooms are connected with trees. And because cemeteries don't spray for weeds, they just mow.

woha that's really scary :O

Dreemit Shadow sighting! This one has seen better days. So many eerie cemeteries and tribal burial grounds near where you live, not to mention the sanitarium. Here I am talking as if there are whimsical burial grounds.