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RE: Random photos from the second half of June

in #photography6 years ago

Nice photos as usual. Congratulations on the diagnosis (like it's a prize or something). My treatment plan for you is 2 joints in the morning, 2 joints at lunch, 2 joints in the afternoon, and one joint before bedtime. I recommend a mid to high grade regular strain of marijuana over hydroponics as the hydro tends to wear off faster and is not cost effective. It seems like a lot of weed but it helps drastically with the pain. Further, get off of all serotonin reuptake inhibitors and any other psychotropics, they are not helping. Stick with teas, herbals, and other naturals, today's medicine is not necessarily good for you and is designed more to make you dependent than cured.
Pray, believe, praise...


Considering how long I've been trying to get to the bottom of why my body's going haywire, it actually feels like a prize, Steven! LOL!

Thanks so much for the treatment plan, and it's something I definitely plan to do if I can get a MM card (since it's not legal otherwise where I live). I have an appointment with a pain management place in a week or so, but I'm not sure yet if that's going to be on the table. In the meantime, I'm doing fairly well with CBD oil (vape and liquid drops) and Kratom. Totally hear you on the SSRIs - the docs have given me at least a half dozen different prescriptions, to see if they would help, but I haven't taken any of them. I've been off my Zoloft since March, and I'm just finally feeling like it's leaving my system, so I have no desire to go back to square one. Sending love right back atcha! 💜