📸 Wingtip Photography ~ Cross Country Views from a 737-800

I'm one of those people who loves to watch out the window and marvel at the continuously changing views during airplane flights. The unique perspective of the ground terrain, population centers, cloud layers and atmospheric thinning at various altitudes make for some very interesting photography.


If given a choice, I will always sit behind the wings for a few reasons. First, as an airplane enthusiast and private pilot myself I love watching the transformation of the wings and engine cowlings during take-off and landings. You have to appreciate the magnitude of the engineering precision and material science that make it possible to get such a massive object off the ground.


Secondly, the wings add an element of structure and movement to photographs of the ever changing sky and ground, as well as a sense of scale. It's always good to have the option of have that in my flight photos and should I decide I only want the natural scenery in the shot, I simple change my angle to move it out of the frame.


The third reason I prefer sitting behind the wing somewhat relates to my first. The position and movement of the flaps, slats, ailerons, spoilers gives me an insight into the pilot's intentions and relative time-frame for ascent and landing procedures. It helps with the uneasiness of knowing you are not in control of anything once you step into the tube.


My forth reason for sitting just behind the wings is comfort, when you sit on or near the center of gravity you don't feel the nose up/down rotational forces (pitch) or vertical rotational forces (yaw) during the flight as much as you do in the front or back of the plane. Helpful hint for anyone who may suffer from motion sickness.


I hope you enjoyed the views with me.

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First and 4-th photo is in my opinion the best!

Yes, I love the contrast of the Florida sunrise and the Utah mountains. We took off in 84(f) degree warmth and landed in 27 degree snowstorm :-)

I love flying, it’s such a relaxing escape for me. I wish you and Daniel the best for 2018 and cheers to many more adventures!

Thank you! I wish you and your family all the best this year as well.

when i saw this i thought its very same to one of my picture you should see that one loved it reminds me of something specal

Thank you - I love taking pictures out the window of planes. Such a different point of view on thew world.

and i think you are doing great job .. i dont know about others . but me i love to take pictures ever where and just they way you have done that is amazing continue it keep inspiring us

Muy buen articulo, yo también soy fanático de los aviones y del asiento al lado de la ventana, ya que me encanta ver los paisajes y ver la grandiosidad de las creaciones de Dios.

Please vote my post

Beautiful shot. thanks a lot......

Very nice

Ame la primera foto

Excellent. I loved photo number 3. Very good publication!!

I enjoyed the views, I would like to travel now ;)

Wow! I also love watching the views from a plane.. :) upvoted!