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RE: The wanderer returns

in #photography4 months ago

It's always good to see you on here and you were just in time for the Brit List.

I remember when your kids were tiny. Time really does fly.

Have fun with the course. If you want some data to process then Hive has plenty. I have had fun with some scripts for that. I am a big fan of Python for getting things done without too much messing around.



I've had a look at HiveSQL today - I think I found info about it in one of your Brit List posts. That's something I've got on my list to take a look at this week.

My first assignment is due in two weeks on Monday. I have to carry out a guided analysis of data an have the option of using something provided or source my own. It may come in useful there as long as I can work it out quickly.

Give me a shout if you need any help.