
All weekends should be three days long, then I could enjoy them more ;)

The forecast says the same for our weather here: Saturday and Sunday fine, and Monday rainy, but we'll see, and I have to work on Monday anyway. Hopefully your weather will be fine :)

Whatever the weather i will enjoy the weekend I am sure, and yes all weekends should be three or perhaps 4 days to make them worthwhile 2 is just so short lOL

Yours will be 7 days soon anyway 😭
You are right, however the weather will be - I will enjoy the free days too :)

Yes indeed, Hopefully by early next year that will be true I am looking forward to 7 day weekends i must admit :)

That will be great, and you deserve it. Now, the most important thing is to retire healthy, and to stay healthy then.

YEs Indeed and i am working on that :)
I suspect I will need one small procedure on my legs before I retire they are starting to play up again, but have had this done 3 times already so I am getting an old hand at it

I don't know, how the (insurance) system works in the US, but maybe that's a good idea to have this done while you are still working. Here everybody lets such things do before they retire - just because, when they retire they don't have time anymore for therapies and so ;)