I'm so grateful that my wife and I are both such loners, and we live at the end of a long road surrounded by woods and water. Since I've gone self-employed, I've spent up to two weeks without leaving the house (other than walks and jogging).
The nocturnal schedule is great for getting stuff done when the world is quiet. But I wonder if you have narcolepsy? It definitely makes mince-meat of regular sleeping patterns. The other big symptom is dreaming during the day, or going straight to REM sleep as soon as you lie down.
Nice to see your face so clearly in these pictures. It's one of your best features!
Oh my, what a dream life! Not leaving the house for days is the best thing ever, as long as there is food and internet :P
I've been actually thinking about the narcolepsy thing, because when I fall asleep during the day it's straight to dreaming and deep sleep.
Thank you very much for liking my face! :P