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RE: Timeless Truth...presented by Bleujay

in #photography2 months ago

That is a good sentiment and lesson for sure. Smart to keep it on your mind in business and social relationships to make sure you are not being led astray.

There is a fine line between being nice/giving compliments and flattery. Sure leadership is part complimenting people on the behaviour you would like them to exude. Empty and aggrandize compliments are a warning sign for me as they either signal someone desperate to be liked, or a hidden agenda.

Guilt. Man that is a different one for me as a recovering catholic! Guilt plays a part in motivating yourself to do what needs to be done and developing discipline. Guilt can either be the fuel for doing things we know we should have but didn’t or a pressure that can drive someone eventually to depression. The blame game is regressive and I strive to assign responsibility and work together on a solution.

I say we invest ourselves authentically so that compliments are just that and just let people manage their own guilt to motivation levels.


Greetings @zekepickleman ,

Thank you for such a thought-full comment...Well said!

It is a fine it not... ^__^

So true with regard to guilt..there are negatives but they can be turned to a positive motivation. Like asking ourselves ...What did we learn?

If I may leave you with a thought...since you mentioned Catholicism. Religion is man seeking the approbation of God through his works...Christianity is God seeking man through the work of Christ on the Cross.

Christianity is not a religion....however I think Catholicism is.

Appreciate you dropping by....thank you!

Kind Regards,
